
state or condition


  • quiescence

    A state of quiescence is one of quiet and restful inaction.

  • transience

    Something that has the quality of transience lasts for only a short time or is constantly changing.

  • impudence

    If someone demonstrates impudence, they behave in a very rude or disrespectful way.

  • deference

    If you behave with deference towards someone, you show them respect and accept their opinions or decisions, especially because they have an important position.

  • abstinence

    Abstinence is the practice of keeping away from or avoiding something you enjoy—such as the physical pleasures of excessive food and drink—usually for health or religious reasons.

  • cadence

    A cadence is a repeated pattern of movement or sound, such as the way someone's voice rises and falls when reading something out loud.

  • credence

    Credence is the mental act of believing or accepting that something is true.

  • confluence

    A confluence is a situation where two or more things meet or flow together at a single point or area; a confluence usually refers to two streams joining together.

  • affluence

    Affluence is the state of having a lot of money and many possessions, granting one a high economic standard of living.

  • resilience

    Something or someone that shows resilience is able to recover quickly and easily from unpleasant, difficult, and damaging situations or events.

  • inference

    An inference is a conclusion that is reached using available data.

  • pestilence

    A pestilence is either an infectious disease that is deadly or an agent of some kind that is destructive or dangerous.

  • resurgence

    A resurgence is a rising again or comeback of something.

  • subsistence

    Subsistence is the means someone has to support their existence, usually referring to food and shelter.

  • evidence

    Pieces of evidence are those things or signs that back up or prove what someone says.

  • sequence

    A sequence of actions is the order in which those actions take place.

  • difference

    A difference in something is what makes it not like something else; it can also be a change that makes it not like it was before.

  • experience

    Someone who has experience in something knows a great deal about it because they have been involved in it for so long.

  • absence

    the state of being absent

  • adolescence

    the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood

  • coincidence

    an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental

  • dependence

    the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else

  • existence

    the state or fact of existing

  • interdependence

    a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups)

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