The Membean marks include the Membean name and logo. Please don't modify the marks or use them in a confusing way, including sponsorship or endorsement by Membean, or in a way that confuses Membean with another brand (including your own).
Brand Guidelines
We're very proud of our brand, and we care a lot about how it is presented in the world.

The green wordmark and logo are our primary marks and should be used whenever possible. The green marks should ONLY be used on a white or dark background. If you are using the marks on any other background color, please use either the white or black monochrome marks.

Do not place the colored Membean logo over background colors that clash. If in doubt, use monochrome!

The wordmark should have a margin of clear space on all sides around it, equal to or greater than half of the wordmark height.

The logo should have a margin of clear space equal to or greater than one-third of the logo height on the top and bottom, and equal to or greater than half the logo height on the left and right.

We have established a minimum size to ensure that the legibility of our marks isn't compromised and they are always easy to read. The minimum size of our wordmark should be a height of 21 px on screen, or 0.25 in (6.35 mm) in print. The minimum size of our logo should be a height of 42 px on screen, or 0.5 in (12.7 mm) in print.

We politely ask that you don't:
- Use any logos or similar imagery to represent Membean other than what is found in the Membean Brand Assets.
- Rotate the Membean logo or wordmark.
- Change the colors on the logo or wordmark.
- Overprint or obstruct any part of the logo or wordmark.
- Add special effects to the logo or wordmark.
- Use old versions or any other marks or logos to represent our brand.

Membean's colors are green and a dark gray. We choose to be colorful in our brand communications at times, but these are our resting colors.
Brand Green
Web: #60953c
RGB: 96, 149, 60
CMYK: 68, 22, 100, 5
Gray Darker
Web: #20292d
RGB: 32, 41, 45
CMYK: 78, 66, 60, 65
For reference, we also use a variety of other colors in our UI design, such as:
Web: #ffffff
RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
Gray Lightest
Web: #ebebec
RGB: 235, 235, 236
CMYK: 7, 5, 4, 0
Gray Lighter
Web: #d1d3d4
RGB: 209, 211, 212
CMYK: 17, 12, 12, 0
Gray Light
Web: #a7a9ac
RGB: 167, 169, 172
CMYK: 36, 28, 27, 0
Gray Lightish
Web: #939598
RGB: 147, 149, 152
CMYK: 45, 36, 45, 1
Web: #757575
RGB: 117, 117, 117
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 54
Web: #6d6e71
RGB: 109, 110, 113
CMYK: 58, 49, 46, 15
Gray Darkish
Web: #58595b
RGB: 88, 89, 91
CMYK: 64, 56, 53, 28
Gray Dark
Web: #2a383d
RGB: 42, 56, 51
CMYK: 79, 63, 57, 52
Gray Darker
Web: #20292d
RGB: 42, 56, 51
CMYK: 78, 66, 60, 65
Gray Darkest
Web: #151f23
RGB: 21, 31, 35
CMYK: 80, 67, 62, 73
Web: #000000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90
Blue Lightest
Web: #e8f6ff
RGB: 232, 246, 255
CMYK: 7, 0, 0, 0
Blue Light
Web: #bfe7ff
RGB: 191, 231, 255
CMYK: 22, 1, 0, 0
Web: #14a5ff
RGB: 20, 165, 255
CMYK: 92, 35, 0, 0
Blue Dark
Web: #0074bd
RGB: 0, 135, 219
CMYK: 79, 40, 0, 0
Green Light
Web: #e5f8f1
RGB: 229, 248, 221
CMYK: 8, 0, 6, 0
Web: #00b973
RGB: 0, 185, 115
CMYK: 76, 0, 75, 0
Brand Green
Web: #60953c
RGB: 96, 149, 60
CMYK: 68, 22, 100, 5
Green Dark
Web: #397600
RGB: 57, 118, 0
CMYK: 79, 30, 100, 19
Red Light
Web: #ffe8e9
RGB: 255, 232, 233
CMYK: 0, 10, 3, 0
Web: #ff1724
RGB: 255, 23, 36
CMYK: 0, 98, 90, 0
Red Dark
Web: #cd020d
RGB: 205, 2, 13
CMYK: 13, 100, 100, 4
Yellow Lightest
Web: #FFFBD5
RGB: 255, 251, 213
CMYK: 0, 2, 16, 0
Web: #fff475
RGB: 255, 244, 117
CMYK: 2, 0, 66, 0
Web: #FFA500
RGB: 255, 165, 0
CMYK: 0, 35, 100, 0
Web: #fcf8cd
RGB: 252, 248, 205
CMYK: 2, 0, 24, 0
Tan Dark
Web: #999568
RGB: 153, 149, 104
CMYK: 42, 33, 67, 5
Tan Darkest
Web: #827e53
RGB: 130, 126, 83
CMYK: 48, 39, 75, 14
Our typeface is a visual representation of Membean's tone and voice. It's a digital friendly, whimsical and straightforward typeface which complements our print and digital experiences. Our official typeface is Nunito.
In general, we prefer copy which conveys important content to be displayed on a white background. Please use Nunito Regular with a font size of 20px and a line height of 28px for regular text.
Of course, there are exceptions to these rules (particularly when designing for mobile), but please be sure that the typography in your designs meets the following accessibility criteria.
We strive to meet WCAG 2.1 Level AA accessibility standards in all of our print and digital designs. Please be sure you are familiar with these standards, and that your designs are compliant with these standards – particularly the color contrast requirements.
General Info
By using the Membean marks you agree to follow these guidelines as well as our Terms of Service and all our rules and policies. Membean reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change the permission in these guidelines at any time at its sole discretion. For further information about the use of the Membean name and trademarks, please contact