

Quick Summary

The Latin root word son means “sound.” This root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words, including sonar and sonata. The root son is easily recalled through the word sonic, for a sonic boom makes a deafening “sound.”

Son: Sounds Great!

The Latin root word son means “sound.” Let’s “sound” out this root today!

Many words come from the Latin root word son which means “sound.” For instance, a sonic boom is a very large “sound.” Sonar, originally “SOund Navigation And Ranging,” uses “sound” to detect objects under the water where they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

As one might expect, musicians and poets have created words from the root word son which means “sound.” For instance, a sonata originally meant a piece of music whose “sound” is produced through instruments only; conversely, a cantata is a piece which is sung. Poets, on the other hand, write sonnets, or short poems which at root mean a little “sound” or little song. Assonance, a device used by poets, describes the repetition of vowel “sounds” in verse. Poets sometimes create effects of dissonance, or disagreeable “sound,” to describe a disturbing situation.

Linguistics also has words that have to do with “sounding.” For instance, a consonant is a letter that must “sound” with a vowel because it has no “sound” by itself, which is why all words have vowels.

Have you ever been with a group of people who have said something in unison? If so, you all “sounded” as one, or “sounded” together. Speaking of the word “sound” itself, it too comes from the root word son for obvious reasons.

Enough “sounding” off about son. Now this root will resonate through your brain as you see the root word son, leading successfully to resounding recall!

  1. sonic: pertaining to ‘sound’
  2. sonar: scientific tool to detect an object by using ‘sound’
  3. sonata: a musical piece of instrumental ‘sound’ only
  4. sonnet: a short poem which therefore has little ‘sound’
  5. assonance: a vowel ‘sound’ that occurs repeatedly in poetry
  6. dissonance: bad ‘sound’
  7. consonant: letter which has to ‘sound’ with a vowel
  8. unison: ‘sounding’ as one
  9. sound: ‘sound’
  10. resonate: to ‘sound’ again and again
  11. resounding: ‘sounding’ again and again


  • sonorous

    A sonorous sound is pleasantly full, strong, and rich.

  • dissonance

    Dissonance is an unpleasant situation of opposition in which ideas or actions are not in agreement or harmony; dissonance also refers to a harsh combination of sounds.

  • resounding

    A resounding success, victory, or defeat is very great or complete, whereas a noise of this kind is loud, powerful, and ringing.

  • unison

    Doing something in unison is doing it all together at one time.

  • resonate

    If you say that something, such as an event or a message, resonates with you, you mean that it has an emotional effect or a special meaning for you that is significant.

  • assonance

    the repetition of similar vowels in the stressed syllables of successive words

  • consonance

    the repetition of consonants (or consonant patterns) especially at the ends of words

  • consonant

    involving or characterized by harmony

  • dissonant

    characterized by musical dissonance

  • resonant

    characterized by resonance

  • sonata

    a musical composition of 3 or 4 movements of contrasting forms

  • sonic

    (of speed) having or caused by speed approximately equal to that of sound in air at sea level

  • sonnet

    praise in a sonnet

  • sound

    appear in a certain way

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