

Quick Summary

The Latin root rupt means “burst.” This Latin root is the word origin of a good number of English vocabulary words, including disrupt, rupture, and interrupt. The root rupt is easily recalled via the word bankrupt, for if you’ve gone bankrupt your bank account has “burst,” spilling out all its contents and leaving you with no money!

Burst Open Words with "Rupt"

The Latin root rupt means “burst.” By the end of this roots podcast you will be “bursting” with words that feature the root rupt, so ignore all disruptions during the next couple of minutes!

Have you ever seen a volcano in the process of erupting? If you have witnessed a volcanic eruption, you’d not soon forget the ash and lava “bursting” out of the volcano! Imagine a volcano that has been dormant for centuries suddenly going off; this impressive event would seriously disrupt the normal activities of people who lived nearby, “bursting” them apart from their daily routine. This kind of interruption or “bursting” between what is going on would probably upset most people, especially if it were abrupt, that is, a sudden “bursting” away from the usual flow of events with no advance warning.

Imagine how your hearing would be affected if your eardrum were to rupture, or “burst.” Imagine as well a corrupt doctor, whose honesty or integrity has thoroughly “burst,” assuring you he could fix it! Paying a real physician to fix the mistakes of the dishonest quack could bankrupt you if you didn’t have good medical insurance, causing your bank account to “burst,” spilling out all your money. You might feel like irrupting or “bursting” suddenly into that quack’s office and demanding your money back!

I think that we have now routed or “burst” through any difficulties with rupt, so your reading will no longer be disrupted by lack of knowledge when you encounter a word with the root rupt in it!

  1. disruption: act of “bursting” apart
  2. erupting: a “bursting” out
  3. eruption: act of “bursting” out
  4. disrupt: “burst” apart
  5. interrupt: “burst” between or among
  6. abrupt: a “bursting” away
  7. rupture: “burst”
  8. corrupt: thoroughly “burst” morals
  9. bankrupt: “burst” bank account
  10. irrupt: “burst” in
  11. rout: a “bursting” through something again and again

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