
cause to appear, show


  • sycophant

    Sycophants praise people in authority or those who have considerable influence in order to seek some favor from them in return.

  • epiphany

    An epiphany is the moment when someone suddenly realizes or understands something of great significance or importance.

  • diaphanous

    A diaphanous cloth is thin enough to see through.

  • cellophane

    a transparent paperlike product that is impervious to moisture and used to wrap candy or cigarettes etc.

  • epiphanic

    of a moment when something of great significance or importance is revealed

  • phantasm

    a ghostly appearing figure

  • phantom

    something apparently sensed but having no physical reality

  • phenom

    someone of exceptional ability

  • phenomena

    any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning

  • phenomenal

    of or relating to a phenomenon

  • phenomenon

    any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning

  • sycophancy

    fawning obsequiousness

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