


  • disparate

    Things that are disparate are clearly different from each other and belong to different groups or classes.

  • disparage

    If you disparage someone or something, you say unpleasant words that show you have no respect for that person or thing.

  • nonpareil

    Something nonpareil has no equal because it is much better than all others of its kind or type.

  • disparity

    When there is a disparity between two things, they are not of equal status; therefore, they are different or unlike in some way.

  • compare

    When you compare two things, you find out how those things are like—and not like—each other.

  • comparative

    relating to or based on or involving comparison

  • comparison

    the act of examining resemblances

  • disparaging

    expressive of low opinion

  • incomparable

    such that comparison is impossible

  • par

    make a score (on a hole) equal to par

  • parity

    (obstetrics) the number of liveborn children a woman has delivered

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