

Quick Summary

The Latin root it means “go.” This Latin root is the word origin of and so “goes” through a number of English vocabulary words, including transit, ambition, and initials. The root it is easily recalled via the word exit, which is the part of the building where you “go” out.

Go Get "It"!

The Latin root it means “go.” Here we “go” on an “ititinerary!

Mass transit systems enable travelers to “go” across urban areas in an efficient fashion. These mass transit systems were initiated or “gone” into in the first place to clear city roads of cars. The mass transit systems make a circuit of the city, or “go” round them so as to serve all parts. This allows an itinerant person, or person on the “go,” to “go” to any part of a city that she wishes to as quickly as possible.

An Exit sign hangs over the door which “goes” out of a building. Some visits to buildings are transitory, or “go” quickly, allowing one to transition or “go” across from the exit of one building to the entrance of another. Efficient people tend to write itineraries of the places they need to “go” if they have many stops; itineraries are also common when traveling, telling people where they will “go” when on a trip. Traveling far from one’s home can include frustrating trips through circuitous city road systems, where drivers must “go” round and round confusing streets, often getting lost in the process.

When newspapers were once widely read, people would often be drawn to the obituary column, a list of people having gone “towards” their death. Imagine if people could create a successful sedition or “going” apart from death, successfully rebelling and so conquering it! That would be a highly ambitious undertaking to say the least, or “going” around seeking what in this case is an impossible goal. People seeking to conquer death will only, like everyone else, eventually have their initials on a tombstone, or those letters which “go” first on each of their three or so names.

It’s now time to exit out of ambitious talk about it, “going” away for the time being. “Go” get it!

  1. transit: action of “going” across from one place to another
  2. exit: “go” out
  3. initiate: “go” into for the first time
  4. circuit: a “going” round
  5. itinerant: “going” hence “traveling”
  6. exit: “go” out
  7. transitory: of “going” quickly
  8. transition: act of “going” across from one activity to another
  9. circuitous: of “going” round and round
  10. obituary: a “going” towards death
  11. sedition: a “going” apart
  12. ambitious: of “going” around and around to fulfill one’s goals
  13. initials: letters “going” on the front of someone’s various names

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