


  • intrinsic

    An intrinsic characteristic of something is the basic and essential feature that makes it what it is.

  • introspective

    If someone is introspective, they spend a lot of time examining their own feelings, thoughts, or ideas.

  • introvert

    An introvert is someone who primarily prefers being by themself instead of hanging out with others socially; nevertheless, they still enjoy spending time with friends.

  • introduce

    When you introduce two people, you present them to each other so they can get to know one another.

  • entrance

    The entrance to a building is where you go into the building.

  • intro

    formally making a person known to another or to the public

  • introductory

    serving to open or begin

  • introspection

    the contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct

  • introversion

    the condition of being folded inward or sheathed

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