
one who shows, forefinger


  • indicative

    One thing that is indicative of another suggests or shows it in some way.

  • index

    An index is a guide at the back of a book that tells you where you can find information in the book.

  • contraindicate

    To indicate, as by a symptom, some method of treatment contrary to that which the general tenor of the case would seem to require; especially, to indicate that a particular method of treatment should not be used; as, penicilin is contraindicated in patients who have shown hypersensitivity.

  • contraindication

    An indication or symptom which forbids the method of treatment usual in such cases.

  • indexed

    listed in a guide at the back of a book that tells you where information is

  • indexing

    listing in a guide at the back of a book that tells you where information is

  • indication

    something that serves to indicate or suggest

  • indicator

    a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts

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