
of mankind


  • humanitarian

    A humanitarian response to a crisis is one that focuses on the well-being and care of people in need.

  • human

    having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings

  • humane

    pertaining to or concerned with the humanities

  • humanism

    the doctrine that people's duty is to promote human welfare

  • humanist

    of or pertaining to Renaissance humanism

  • humanitarianism

    the doctrine that people's duty is to promote human welfare

  • humanity

    the quality of being humane

  • humanize

    make more humane

  • inhuman

    without compunction or human feeling

  • inhumane

    lacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion

  • inhumanity

    the quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others

  • superhuman

    above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance

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