
taken, seized

Quick Summary

The Latin root word cept means “taken.” This root word gives rise to many English vocabulary words, including deception, concept, and except. Perhaps the easiest way to remember this root word is through the word accept, for when you have accepted something, you have “taken” it towards yourself.

Accept No Exceptions!

The Latin root word cept means “taken.”

If someone were to offer you 3,000,000 dollars, you would probably accept at once, having therefore “taken” that sum of money towards yourself. There might, however, be an exception to getting the money, or that which is “taken” out of the original promise. If, however, there were no exceptions, it would be an exceptional event, one “taken” out of ordinary circumstances!

Deceptions occur when you are “taken” from the truth or reality of a given situation in some underhanded fashion. If you have ever been deceived, you were not perceptive enough, that is, the full knowledge or truth of your surroundings was not thoroughly “taken” in. Hopefully the next time you’ll be able to intercept any such trick before it happens, “taking” it between its origin and its end target!

Let’s further reinforce the etymological concept that the root word cept means “taken.”

Were you ever able to concoct a concept, or that which is thoroughly “taken” in your mind, before anyone else thought of the idea? You would then be responsible for the concept’s inception, “taken” in at its very start. You might then hope that other people would be receptive to your idea, or that they would “take” it back into their own minds for further consideration, and not reject it out of hand.

Just what does it mean if you are susceptible to something? If you are susceptible to a disease, for instance, you are able to be “taken” under by it, contracting it despite your immune system’s attempt to fight it off.

You can now confidently put the root word cept into your receptacle of knowledge, having “taken” it back into your brain and deposited it there for safekeeping. No longer will you suffer from verbal deception whenever you see a word with cept in it, for you have “taken” the bull by the horns, never to be “taken” in again—no exceptions!

  1. accept: ‘taken’ towards
  2. except: ‘taken’ from
  3. exceptional: ‘taken’ from the normal
  4. deception: ‘taken’ from the truth
  5. perceptive: having thoroughly ‘taken’ in one’s surroundings
  6. intercept: ‘taken’ between origin and target
  7. concept: thoroughly ‘taken’ or seized in one’s brain
  8. inception: ‘taken’ in at the beginning
  9. receptive: ‘taken’ back to oneself
  10. susceptible: able to be ‘taken’ under
  11. receptacle: container which “takes” something back into it for safekeeping

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