Medlin Middle Learns Through Engagement, Competition, and Fun!

Tracy Gallagher
Sixth Grade ELA Teacher
Medlin Middle School
Trophy Club, TX
Tracy Gallagher immediately recognized Membean's value for the students at Medlin Middle, particularly compared with their previous method of learning vocabulary. She described the school's former program as a hassle that didn't benefit students over time. “Our old method of teaching vocabulary involved paper, a pencil, and a word list. That paper was quickly discarded after the test along with any knowledge students might have gained from memorizing the words.” The English faculty at Medlin Middle wanted a convenient, engaging, and adaptable method; when they started using Membean, they realized they were on the right track.
“I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want Membean. It saves a ton of time for us, and it's really useful for the kids!”
The teachers' willingness to adopt Membean has been reflected by Medlin Middle students as well, and Tracy regularly observes their engagement with the platform. “Students remember their Membean words and are excited to tell me when they see one used,” she remarked. “They're recognizing these words in the real world.” These connections lead to enhanced recall, and test results provide proof.

“On our last state test, students were able to decipher word meanings by breaking words into their roots. Thanks to Membean, test scores went up and so did their confidence.”
Tracy recognizes that it's important to keep learning fresh and fun, and she appreciates the opportunities Membean provides to engage her students in friendly competition. “I try to keep up on the latest electronic game trends and incorporate Membean words into those games. We do individual class competitions as well as those between classes. Soon we will post brackets for our ‘Membean March Madness’ tournament.” By adding basic inducements—extra credit points, homework passes, and the like—Tracy keeps her students actively engaged.

“Kids love competition and the excitement that comes with it. Membean has enabled me to create an exciting platform for vocabulary learning.”
Tracy's experience using Membean has only been positive, and she plans to continue using this platform for years to come. In fact, she hopes that her district will be able to expand its use of Membean to reach more students in the future. As she summed up, “In addition to freeing teachers up to do other things, Membean is simple to implement, online, interactive, and conducive to learning.”