Annapolis Area Christian Caters to Its Students’ Wide Spectrum of Learning Needs

Anne Hartman
English Department Chair, Upper School English Teacher
Annapolis Area Christian School
Severn, MD
Anne teaches twelfth grade English at Annapolis Area Christian School. Her students have a wide range of learning abilities, a reality in most classrooms nationwide. Before AACS implemented Membean, her school used vocabulary books and assigned each grade to the same level in the workbook. There was no personalization – the vocabulary workbooks could not meet students’ individual needs. The workbooks also took up a disproportionate amount of class time that could have been used for better purposes; consequently, Anne spent many hours of her own time grading assessments.
“The vocabulary workbooks had no differentiation and created a significant amount of work for us. We had little assurance that students were learning—or doing their work with integrity.”
When Anne found Membean, she piloted with an AP Language class before approaching administrators, who supported the move to Membean. Anne and her colleagues in the English Department have now used Membean in class since 2013: they really like the assessment features, including the ability to ask different questions about each word.

“Our English teachers appreciate that students are learning words in their zone of proximal development; they also are impressed that Membean successfully addresses each student’s different learning styles.’
“Our students’ progression in learning—along with Membean’s staggered reinforcement that makes sure words remain fresh in our students’ minds – is great to see,” says Anne. Her students are using the words they learn on Membean in their own writing; this is not only a great bonus for Anne but also another compelling way of monitoring progress.

“Membean has been wonderful in creating learning opportunities for students to engage with words in a variety of ways; it challenges them at their own level, so it isn’t overwhelming for them.”
Anne and her department have been thrilled with Membean’s impact on the wide range of their students, including those with high levels of literacy, those who are of average ability, and those who have more challenges, such as ELL students and those with learning disabilities. They all get to learn and excel at their own level – and Anne has more class time to spend with her students. Anne relishes the support Membean provides as well: “Membean’s support team is very responsive, and they always help you problem-solve your issue quickly.”