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When you are adept at something, you are very good, skillful, or talented at it.
Someone who is adroit is skillful and clever, especially in thought, behavior, or action.
When a person is ambidextrous, they can use their left or right hand with equal skill.
A bravura performance, such as of a highly technical work for the violin, is done with consummate skill.
The choreography of a work of dance is either the art of arranging the steps or the actual dance composition itself.
If someone shows consummate skill at doing something, that person’s skill is very great or almost perfect in every way.
A man who is debonair is sophisticated, charming, friendly, and confident.
A deft movement or action is made quickly and with skill.
Efficacy is the ability or power to produce an expected effect or result.
Errant things or people behave in a way that is unacceptable or wrong, such as a missile that travels in the wrong direction or a student who does not follow classroom rules.
Someone who is feckless is incompetent and lacks the determination or skill to achieve much of anything at all in life.
If someone exhibits finesse in something, they do it with great skill and care; this most often refers to handling difficult situations that might easily offend people.
Flair can either refer to a natural talent that you possess or the ability you have to make the most of your personal style.
A gauche person behaves in an awkward and unsuitable way in public because they lack social skills.
To handle an object gingerly is to be careful and cautious with it.
A hapless person is unlucky, so much so that a stream of unfortunate things has happened and continues to happen to them.
Someone who is inept is unable or unsuitable to do a job; hence, they are unfit for it.
When you jostle another person, you bump against or push them, usually because you are in a crowded area.
If a dancer is lissome, she moves gracefully and is very flexible.
If you do something with panache, you do it in a way that shows great skill, style, and confidence.
Ponderous writing or speech is boring, highly serious, and seems very long and wordy; it definitely lacks both grace and style.
When you have been remiss, you have been careless because you did not do something that you should have done.
To act in an uncouth manner is to be awkward and unmannerly.
Something unfeasible cannot be made or achieved.
An unkempt person or thing is untidy and has not been kept neat.
If you say someone’s behavior is unseemly, you disapprove of it because it is not in good taste or not suitable for a particular situation.
Something that is unwieldy is hard or awkward to handle because of the way that it is shaped.
A virtuoso is someone who is very skillful at something, especially playing a musical instrument.
A yokel is uneducated, naive, and unsophisticated; they do not know much about modern life or ideas because they sequester themselves in a rural setting.
Klaus Utz, the ungainly mover, always made a mess of things because he was so clumsy. Klaus would walk in an ungainly or uncoordinated fashion through doorways, often crashing into door frames. When Klaus tried to move ungainly, hard-to-handle sofas, it was nearly impossible for him to complete the task without breaking something. The ungainly or awkward Klaus Utz dented walls throughout every house he entered—no wonder he at last lost his job!
Ungainly RunOnlyGains Last Place The runner named Brunner was so ungainly in his clumsy, klutzy running that he onlygained last place in the race, but he did win an award for best effort.
The neck, they said, appeared to be longer in proportion to the rest of its body than in any other known sauropod. Even scientists, examining drawings of what the ungainly animal may have looked like, wondered how it had been able to move about without falling flat on its face.
The New York Times
Previous studies of the penguin's ungainly gait have revealed that the waddle is in fact the most energy-efficient way for them to get about on land.
BBC News
What unites this trio is a creature more unlikely than the three of them put together: Seabiscuit, a runty little racer with an ungainly gallop and a distinct flair for losing.
The Christian Science Monitor
She entered with ungainly struggle like some huge awkward chicken, torn, squawking, out of its coop.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, British writer and medical doctor, from _The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes_
The word gainly once meant proper, serviceable; ungainly acts are therefore not proper or serviceable in their execution.
origin: Old Norse
Knowing language of origin or etymology is not important; but is sometimes interesting enough to make the word memorable. Only such words have associated maps.
Word Theater
Wobbling About These ungainly animals stumble through life.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!