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Someone who is adroit is skillful and clever, especially in thought, behavior, or action.
Apathy is a lack of interest or unenthusiastic involvement in an activity; there is no effort to change or improve it at all.
Someone in a buoyant mood is in good spirits.
A convivial atmosphere or occasion is friendly, pleasant, cheerful, and relaxed.
A man who is dapper has a very neat and clean appearance; he is both fashionable and stylish.
A man who is debonair is sophisticated, charming, friendly, and confident.
Something that is dolorous, such as music or news, causes mental pain and sorrow because it itself is full of grief and sorrow.
Someone who is dour is serious, stubborn, and unfriendly; they can also be gloomy.
When something is droll, it is humorous in an odd way.
Someone who is ebullient is filled with enthusiasm, very happy, and extremely excited about something.
An effervescent individual is lively, very happy, and enthusiastic.
Something that is effulgent is very bright and radiates light.
Someone’s elocution is their artistic manner of speaking in public, including both the delivery of their voice and gestures.
Ennui is the feeling of being bored, tired, and dissatisfied with life.
If something enthralls you, it makes you so interested and excited that you give it all your attention.
If you show exuberance, you display great excitement, energy, and enthusiasm.
If you exult, you show great pleasure and excitement, especially about something you have achieved.
Something humdrum is dull, boring, or tiresome.
Someone who is jocular is cheerful and often makes jokes or tries to make people laugh.
A languid person is slow, relaxed, and shows little energy or interest in doing anything.
Lassitude is a state of tiredness, lack of energy, and having little interest in what’s going on around you.
If you are lethargic, you are tired, lack energy, and are unwilling to exert effort.
If someone is lugubrious, they are looking very sad or gloomy.
Something that is lustrous shines in a soft and gentle way by reflecting light.
Malaise is a feeling of discontent, general unease, or even illness in a person or group for which there does not seem to be a quick and easy solution because the cause of it is not clear.
If you are melancholy, you look and feel sad.
A monotonous activity is so repetitious that it quickly becomes boring and dull.
Someone who is morose is unhappy, bad-tempered, and unwilling to talk very much.
If you describe a performance, book, or film as pallid, you mean that it lacks liveliness, excitement, or interest.
A plaintive sound or voice expresses sadness.
Plangent sounds are loud and tend to suggest sadness.
Someone who is saturnine is looking miserable and sad, sometimes in a threatening or unfriendly way.
If you are somnolent, you are sleepy.
Stupor is a state in which someone’s mind and senses are dulled; consequently, they are unable to think clearly or act normally.
If you are suffering from tedium, you are bored.
If your body is affected by torpor, you are severely lacking in energy; therefore, you are idle—and can even be numb.
A trite remark or idea is so overused that it is no longer interesting or novel.
If someone is described as vivacious, they are lively and have a happy, lighthearted manner.
Someone who is woebegone is very sad and filled with grief.
Gretta was known for her clever, stimulating, and scintillating conversation on all topics. As the wife of the governor, her scintillating or brilliant talent for conversing easily and well proved useful. Visiting officials and guests from all over the nation welcomed Gretta’s scintillating, interesting, and lively company while staying at the governor’s mansion.
Quiz:Try again!
What is a scintillating conversation?
Intelligent Cat My cat is so intelligent and interesting that my intelligent cat's meowing is simply scintillating!
New York musicians rarely have the time for idle chat and conversation after a gig. Despite popular assumption of our scintillating after-hours, that illusion is overtaken by the constant hustle to juggle a part-time or full-time job, a myriad of errands, a second or third gig of the day, and perhaps a child or two somewhere.
— Kat Edmonson, American musician
As a general rule, budget hearings for government agencies do not make for scintillating news. But this year, the Spokane county commissioners are bringing a little drama to the process.
Spokane Public Radio
Allen West was the guest speaker with a scintillating talk on the topic, which had guests glued to their seats as they raised $60,000 for the folks at CareNet to continue their work.
Albuquerque Journal
Kahneman uses this scheme to frame a scintillating discussion of his findings in cognitive psychology and behavioral economics, and of the ingenious experiments that tease out the irrational, self-contradictory logics that underlie our choices.
Publishers Weekly
Something scintillating is like a “glittering spot” or a “sparking” which “sparks” interest in it.
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Related Words
adroit ·
buoyant ·
convivial ·
dapper ·
debonair ·
droll ·
ebullient ·
effervescent ·
effulgent ·
elocution ·
enthrall ·
exuberance ·
exult ·
jocular ·
lustrous ·
vivacious ·
apathy ·
dolorous ·
dour ·
ennui ·
humdrum+ ·
languid ·
lassitude ·
lethargic ·
lugubrious ·
malaise ·
melancholy ·
monotonous+ ·
morose ·
pallid ·
plaintive ·
plangent ·
saturnine ·
somnolent ·
stupor ·
tedium ·
torpor ·
trite ·
woebegone ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
to be brilliant, animated, and lively
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.