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A situation or condition that is abysmal is extremely bad or of wretched quality.
The acme of something is its highest point of achievement or excellence.
When you are adept at something, you are very good, skillful, or talented at it.
Someone who is adroit is skillful and clever, especially in thought, behavior, or action.
The apex of anything, such as an organization or system, is its highest part or most important position.
When something attenuates, it lessens in size or intensity; it becomes thin or weakened.
A bravura performance, such as of a highly technical work for the violin, is done with consummate skill.
A clarion call is a stirring, emotional, and strong appeal to people to take action on something.
If someone shows consummate skill at doing something, that person’s skill is very great or almost perfect in every way.
If you curtail something, you reduce or limit it.
A decadent person has low moral standards and is more interested in pleasure than serious matters.
A deft movement or action is made quickly and with skill.
A diminution of something is a reduction in the size, number, or importance of it.
If you describe a person, group, or civilization as effete, you mean it is weak, exhausted, powerless, unproductive, and/or corrupt.
Something is flaccid when it is unpleasantly soft and weak, hangs limply, or lacks vigor and energy.
If something is formidable, it is impressive in size, power, or skill; therefore, it can make you feel frightened, alarmed, or in awe because it is so powerful or difficult to deal with.
If something is your forte, you are very good at it or know a lot about it.
A garbled message or speech is confusing and not understandable, often because it is spoken in a hurry or is communicated with lots of accompanying noise.
If you describe someone’s appearance or behavior as impeccable, you mean that it is perfect and therefore impossible to criticize.
Someone, such as a performer or athlete, is inimitable when they are so good or unique in their talent that it is unlikely anyone else can be their equal.
An irreproachable person is very honest and so morally upright that their behavior cannot be criticized.
A languid person is slow, relaxed, and shows little energy or interest in doing anything.
When you are listless, you lack energy and interest and are unwilling to exert any effort.
Something is mawkish when it is overly sentimental and silly in an embarrassing way.
If you mitigate something that causes harm, you reduce the harmful or painful effects of it.
Something is nondescript when its appearance is ordinary, dull, and not at all interesting or attractive.
If something plummets, it falls down from a high position very quickly; for example, a piano can plummet from a window, and a stock value can plummet during a market crash.
Something is quintessential when it is a perfect example of its type.
When you have been remiss, you have been careless because you did not do something that you should have done.
If you say that something, such as an event or a message, resonates with you, you mean that it has an emotional effect or a special meaning for you that is significant.
A scintillating conversation, speech, or performance is brilliantly clever, interesting, and lively.
A sonorous sound is pleasantly full, strong, and rich.
A stentorian voice is extremely loud and strong.
Something that is turbid, such as water, is muddy or cloudy because it has lots of small pieces of matter or dirt in it.
Something or someone that is unprepossessing is not impressive or is unattractive.
A virtuoso is someone who is very skillful at something, especially playing a musical instrument.
If something—such as power, influence, or feeling—wanes, it gradually becomes weaker or less important, often so much so that it eventually disappears.
The zenith of something is its highest, most powerful, or most successful point.
The resounding or complete victory of our soccer team began when Dominique scored two goals in the first five minutes of the game. I will never forget the resounding cheers and yelling that echoed throughout the stadium as Dominiques perfect shots sailed past the keeper. Then Ximena followed with two more goals of her own to begin the second half; the success of her shots was so resounding or very great because the keeper had no chance to block her shots. You should have heard the resounding shouting when Brianna scored the fifth and final goal for a 5-0 win—Ill bet people two miles away heard us!
Quiz:Try again!
If something is resounding, what is it?
Sounding, Sounding, Sounding Gilbert was such a fabulous reader and student that he became a resounding success; his resounding academic career was sounding, sounding, and sounding over and over again throughout many years of complete and utter satisfaction for students and fellow professors alike.
In the 1960s, I personally lived the resounding impact of President Nasser's vision of constructing Aswan's High Dam as a “national project” for controlling the Nile irrigation and the production of electricity.
— Ahmed Zewail, Egyptian chemist and Nobel laureate
Hill County Clerk and Recorder Sue Armstrong said that the 2020 election process was a resounding success, with massive turn-out and an overwhelming majority of mail-in ballots having been returned and tabulated without issue.
Havre Daily News
Emboldened by a resounding victory in snap elections last summer, the party has embarked on a wholesale overhaul of the hard-wiring of [Turkey’s] political system.
A resounding success “sounds again and again” because it was so complete and wonderful.
Word Theater
Dirty Jobs Resounding clangs demand ears covered!
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!