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If you do something with alacrity, you do it eagerly and quickly.
When you have ardor for something, you have an intense feeling of love, excitement, and admiration for it.
Something that is arduous is extremely difficult; hence, it involves a lot of effort.
Bedlam is a situation with a great deal of noise and confusion.
The adjective bucolic is used to describe things that are related to or characteristic of rural or country life.
A catatonic person is in a state of suspended action; therefore, they are rigid, immobile, and unresponsive.
When you cavort, you jump and dance around in a playful, excited, or physically lively way.
If something moves or grows with celerity, it does so rapidly.
A chaotic state of affairs is in a state of confusion and complete disorder.
When you are discombobulated, you are confused and upset because you have been thrown into a situation that you temporarily cannot handle.
Someone who is ebullient is filled with enthusiasm, very happy, and extremely excited about something.
An effervescent individual is lively, very happy, and enthusiastic.
If you exhibit equanimity, you demonstrate a calm mental state—without showing upset or annoyance—when you deal with a difficult situation.
If you show exuberance, you display great excitement, energy, and enthusiasm.
Febrile behavior is full of nervous energy and activity; a sick person can be febrile as well, that is, feverish or hot.
A fervid person has strong feelings about something, such as a humanitarian cause; therefore, they are very sincere and enthusiastic about it.
Frenetic activity is done quickly with lots of energy but is also uncontrolled and disorganized; someone who is in a huge hurry often displays this type of behavior.
If someone gambols, they run, jump, and play like a young child or animal.
A halcyon time is calm, peaceful, and undisturbed.
When there is havoc, there is great disorder, widespread destruction, and much confusion.
An incendiary device causes objects to catch on fire; incendiary comments can cause riots to flare up.
An indolent person is lazy.
When something is inert, it has no power of movement or is inactive.
Something kinetic is moving, active, and using energy.
A laborious job or process takes a long time, requires a lot of effort, and is often boring.
A languid person is slow, relaxed, and shows little energy or interest in doing anything.
A maelstrom is either a large whirlpool in the sea or a violent or agitated state of affairs.
Pandemonium is a very noisy and uncontrolled situation, especially one that is caused by a lot of angry or excited people.
A pastoral environment is rural, peaceful, simple, and natural.
A placid scene or person is calm, quiet, and undisturbed.
A state of quiescence is one of quiet and restful inaction.
A recumbent figure or person is lying down.
A restive person is not willing or able to keep still or be patient because they are bored or dissatisfied with something; consequently, they are becoming difficult to control.
If you are sedate, you are calm, unhurried, and unlikely to be disturbed by anything.
Someone who has a sedentary habit, job, or lifestyle spends a lot of time sitting down without moving or exercising often.
A serene place or situation is peaceful and calm.
If you are somnolent, you are sleepy.
Something soporific makes you feel sleepy or drowsy.
If you behave in a supine way, you are passive or inactive, allowing other people to make decisions for you.
A tempestuous storm, temper, or crowd is violent, wild, and in an uproar.
If something is tranquil, it is peaceful, calm, and quiet.
A tumultuous event or period of time is filled with great excitement, confusion, or violence; a tumultuous reaction to something is likewise very loud and noisy because people are happy and excited.
When you experience turmoil, there is great confusion, disturbance, instability, and disorder in your life.
If someone is described as vivacious, they are lively and have a happy, lighthearted manner.
Someone who is zealous spends a lot of time, energy, and effort to support something—notably that of a political or religious nature—because they believe in it very strongly.
I am going to take my repose or rest under this tree for just today. I usually prefer a hammock for my repose or peaceful nap, but today I will just lie under the tree on the soft grass. The fragrant flowers and singing birds surrounding me will help me enjoy this repose or calm relaxation.
Quiz:Try again!
What is one way to create a state of repose?
Take a moment away from everything to meditate and rest.
Decorate your entire home in wild patterns and bright colors.
Accept and encourage ideas that are different than yours.
Really Composed When a performer is in a state of repose, he is so peaceful or calm in his mind that he is really composed.
We must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.
— Indira Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India
What's your ideal weekend? Is it a flurry of activity, a restorative state of repose or a mix of both?
The Washington Post
In his classic book, _You Must Relax_, first published in 1934, Jacobson describes how to bring oneself to a state of deep repose.
The New York Times
So when you think about the activity at any given volcano, you should not only concern yourself with what might be happening when the volcano is actually coughing stuff up (erupting), but also when, at the surface, things look perfectly calm. There are a number of ways to examine what a volcano was/is doing during these periods of repose.
Discover Magazine
When one is in repose, one is “pausing again” for a rest.
Word Theater
Sleeping Beauty The princess has found repose.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!