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My best friend is rational or reasonable because she always uses facts and logic to think about things. She is the most rational or balanced thinker I know because she thoroughly considers problems before finding a useful answer. She never lets emotion get in the way of her rational or fact-based thinking, even in stressful moments. Plus, she is a really intelligent person, which helps with her rational or carefully considered decisions!

Quiz: What is someone like who is acting in a rational way?

  • They are relaxing and avoiding doing tasks that need to get done.
  • They are being reasonable and making good decisions.
  • They are angry and yelling at everyone to get things done quickly.

Memory Hook

Ratio Arsenal The rational thing to do on my ratios math test was to pull out my mental ratio arsenal and blow it away.


  • Rational hope accepts that the situation is genuinely dark, but then it still looks around for signposts leading up and out. — The New York Times
  • "The idea is to give the child experiences that will lead the child to develop rational thinking," Briggs told the CBC in 2011. In a nutshell, the parent would act out what happened when the child misbehaved, including the real-life consequences of that behavior. — NPR
  • It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this. — Bertrand Russell, British mathematician, philosopher, and public intellectual

Word Ingredients

rat suppose, think, consider
-ion act, state, or result of doing something
-al of or relating to

A rational plan is one that is “thought about or considered” carefully beforehand.

Word Theater

Star Trek the Next Generation Data tells Captain Picard that his decision is not a rational one.

Word Constellation


Word Variants

rationale n reason for doing something