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If you do something with alacrity, you do it eagerly and quickly.
Apathy is a lack of interest or unenthusiastic involvement in an activity; there is no effort to change or improve it at all.
When you have ardor for something, you have an intense feeling of love, excitement, and admiration for it.
An assiduous person works hard to ensure that something is done properly and completely.
The adjective blithe indicates that someone does something casually or in a carefree fashion without much concern for the end result; as a result, they are happy and lighthearted.
When you cavort, you jump and dance around in a playful, excited, or physically lively way.
If something moves or grows with celerity, it does so rapidly.
When someone is conscientious in performing a task, they do it in a thorough and careful fashion to make sure that it is completely done.
Someone or something that is dilatory is slow and causes delay.
When you are diligent in completing a task, you work hard or tirelessly at it until it is complete.
Someone does something in a disinterested way when they have no personal involvement or attachment to the action.
Someone who is ebullient is filled with enthusiasm, very happy, and extremely excited about something.
An effervescent individual is lively, very happy, and enthusiastic.
Someone who is exacting expects others to work very hard and carefully.
Something that is extemporaneous, such as an action, speech, or performance, is done without any preparation or practice beforehand.
Someone who is fastidious cares excessively about small details and wants to keep everything correct, tidy, very clean, and in perfect order.
Someone who is feckless is incompetent and lacks the determination or skill to achieve much of anything at all in life.
An impromptu speech is unplanned or spontaneous—it has not been practiced in any way beforehand.
If someone is indefatigable, they never show signs of getting tired.
An indolent person is lazy.
Someone who is ineffectual at a task is useless or ineffective when attempting to do it.
Insouciance is a lack of concern or worry for something that should be shown more careful attention or consideration.
Something kinetic is moving, active, and using energy.
If you do something in a lackadaisical way, you do it carelessly and without putting much effort into it—thereby showing that you are not really interested in what you’re doing.
A languid person is slow, relaxed, and shows little energy or interest in doing anything.
If you are lethargic, you are tired, lack energy, and are unwilling to exert effort.
When you are listless, you lack energy and interest and are unwilling to exert any effort.
Someone is considered meticulous when they act with careful attention to detail.
A negligent person does not complete what they say they will do; they are careless and not attentive to their work.
If you are oblivious to something that is happening, you do not notice it.
If someone is pedantic, they give too much importance to unimportant details and formal rules.
Someone who is pertinacious is determined to continue doing something rather than giving up—even when it gets very difficult.
To be punctilious is to pay precise attention to detail.
When you have been remiss, you have been careless because you did not do something that you should have done.
A tenacious person does not quit until they finish what they’ve started.
If your body is affected by torpor, you are severely lacking in energy; therefore, you are idle—and can even be numb.
If you are unflagging while doing a task, you are untiring when working upon it and do not stop until it is finished.
If you are unrelenting in your desire to do something, you stop at nothing until you’ve done it.
A thing or person that is unremitting is persistent and enduring in what is being done.
When you have a vehement feeling about something, you feel very strongly or intensely about it.
A wastrel is a lazy person who wastes time and money.
Someone who is zealous spends a lot of time, energy, and effort to support something— notably that of a political or religious nature—because they believe in it very strongly.
I know I shouldn’t procrastinate or put off writing my essay, but I’m just not ready to start. Whenever I sit down to write this essay, I procrastinate or postpone doing it instead. Yesterday I procrastinated or delayed by reorganizing my desk and cleaning my closet—anything to put off writing. Since the essay’s due at the end of the week, I really shouldn’t procrastinate or wait any longer . . . I’ll start after I finish texting my friend.
Quiz:Try again!
What does it mean to procrastinate?
It means to put off work you should be doing now.
It means to be frustrated with the amount of work you have.
It means to convince someone that you are telling the truth.
RasputinProcreates Apparently Rasputin did not procrastinate when it came to procreation, for he supposedly had hundreds of children.
The study shows that students who answered the more abstract questions were much more likely to procrastinate—that is, delay their answers.
The weaker-than-expected results came as the high unemployment rate drove shoppers to continue to procrastinate in search of the deepest discounts, said Jharonne Martis, Thomson Reuters' director of consumer research, who compiles the report.
The trick is to have a lot of less important things on your list, so that by doing the less important things, you can avoid doing the thing that it’s really important for you to procrastinate.
In a post a while back, he said: Computers are the ideal procrastination machine because they hold both our work and a million ways to procrastinate from it.
The Atlantic
One who procrastinates puts “forth” doing something until “tomorrow.”
Word Theater
YouTube: Watch Well Cast We all procrastinate, and all probably want to stop procrastinating as well!
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!