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Someone who is arrogant thinks very highly of themselves; as a result, they can be self-important and act as if they are better than others.
When a person is speaking or writing in a bombastic fashion, they are very self-centered, extremely showy, and excessively proud.
Braggadocio is an excessively proud way of talking about your achievements or possessions that can annoy others.
Bumptious people are annoying because they are too proud of their abilities or opinions—they are full of themselves.
Someone who possesses conceit has excessive self-pride—and thus thinks too highly of their abilities.
When people condescend, they behave in ways that show that they are supposedly more important or intelligent than other people.
Decorous appearance or behavior is respectable, polite, and appropriate for a given occasion.
If you describe someone, usually a young woman, as demure, you mean that she is quiet, shy, and always behaves modestly.
Someone who is diffident is shy, does not want to draw notice to themself, and is lacking in self-confidence.
You show disdain towards another person when you despise what they do, or you regard them as unworthy of your notice and attention.
An egotistical person thinks about or is concerned with no one else other than themself.
If someone or something is flamboyant, the former is trying to show off in a way that deliberately attracts attention, and the latter is brightly colored and highly decorated.
When someone flaunts their good looks, they show them off or boast about them in a very proud and shameless way.
Grandiloquent speech is highly formal, exaggerated, and often seems both silly and hollow because it is expressly used to appear impressive and important.
When you do something in a grandiose way, it is very showy, impressive, and magnificent.
Hyperbole is a way of emphasizing something that makes it sound much more impressive or much worse than it actually is.
Something that is inconspicuous does not attract attention and is not easily seen or noticed because it is small or ordinary.
When you behave with moderation, you live in a balanced and measured way; you do nothing to excess.
An officious person acts in a self-important manner; therefore, they are very eager to offer unwanted advice or services—which makes them annoying.
If you describe an action as ostentatious, you think it is an extreme and exaggerated way of impressing people.
Someone is overweening when they are not modest; rather, they think way too much of themselves and let everyone know about it.
If someone patronizes you, they talk or behave in a way that seems friendly; nevertheless, they also act as if they were more intelligent or important than you are.
To be politic in a decision is to be socially wise and diplomatic.
If you are pompous, you think that you are better than other people; therefore, you tend to show off and be highly egocentric.
When someone pontificates, they give their opinions in a heavy-handed way that shows they think they are always right.
Propriety is behaving in a socially acceptable and appropriate way.
Someone who is reserved is quiet, self-controlled, and keeps their thoughts mostly to themselves.
People who are reticent are unwilling to share information, especially about themselves, their thoughts, or their feelings.
Someone’s sardonic smile, expression, or comment shows a lack of respect for what someone else has said or done; this occurs because the former thinks they are too important to consider or discuss such a supposedly trivial matter of the latter.
If someone is sententious, they are terse or brief in writing and speech; they also often use proverbs to appear morally upright and wise.
When you strut, you move as though you own the world by walking in a confident and showy fashion.
If you behave in a supercilious way, you act as if you were more important or better than everyone else.
Something that is unadorned is not made more attractive with ornament or decoration.
Someone who is unassuming is not boastful or arrogant; rather, they are modest or humble.
If you are vainglorious, you are very proud of yourself and let other people know about it.
I can’t believe how pretentious or self-important my Uncle Hilbert from England is. He thinks he’s the world authority on English literature, but he is constantly misquoting lines and mixing up authors, during which time he has his nose in the air in his pretentious and snobby way. One day I told this pretentious person who thought he was so great that he’s usually wrong about what he says, and he brushed me off, saying that I was just a young nephew!
Quiz:Try again!
How would a pretentious person act?
They would hide their artwork because they don’t think they are very good.
They would brag about their artistic ability even though they lack real talent.
They would enjoy teaching others how to draw and paint better.
Pretend to Be Cautious I can't believe how pretentious Gilbert is being by pretending to be so ridiculously cautious around those paintings as if to make it seem like he, and he alone, knows their extreme value--it makes me sick!
Elton John himself never seems pretentious but Bernie Taupin’s lyrics often do—sometimes pretentious in a clever sort of way, but pretentious nonetheless.
Rolling Stone
Many young travelers are tired of the cheesy guided walks and the slow, sometimes pretentious audio tours that have become the staples of urban tourism.
The Christian Science Monitor
Someone who is being “pretentious” has the “nature of stretching (himself) out in front of or before” others in a showy way so as to be obviously seen.
Word Theater
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Gilderoy Lockhart is so pretentious.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!
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Related Words
arrogant+ ·
bombastic+ ·
braggadocio+ ·
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conceit+ ·
condescend+ ·
disdain ·
egotistical ·
flamboyant ·
flaunt+ ·
grandiloquent+ ·
grandiose+ ·
hyperbole ·
officious ·
ostentatious+ ·
overweening+ ·
patronize+ ·
pompous+ ·
pontificate ·
sardonic ·
sententious ·
strut+ ·
supercilious+ ·
vainglorious+ ·
decorous ·
demure+ ·
diffident+ ·
inconspicuous ·
moderation ·
politic ·
propriety ·
reserved+ ·
reticent ·
unadorned* ·
unassuming+ ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
insincere behavior; trick
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.