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Many religions believe in an omnipotent, all-powerful being. This omnipotent being, often considered a god, has unlimited abilities. Imagine if you yourself were omnipotent—you would have no restrictions whatsoever on what you could do! If I were omnipotent, I would force people to stop being so aggressive towards one another; I know that’s being forceful too, but it would still be a good thing to do!

Quiz: What does it mean to be omnipotent?

  • It means to have complete power.
  • It means to be widespread.
  • It means to be extremely wise.

Memory Hook

Omnipotent Om The syllable om is said to be omnipotent or very potent because it represents the entire Universe.


  • In Japan, a society built upon expectations met, no one expects a former sumo wrestler, especially a grand champion, to violate the rules of the omnipotent Sumo Association. — Sports Illustrated
  • In terms of music education in the city of New Orleans, Ellis Marsalis is omnipotent. — NPR

Word Ingredients

omni- all
potent capable, powerful

One who is omnipotent is “all powerful.”

Word Constellation
