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To agglomerate a group of things is to gather them together without any noticeable order.
An aggregate is the final or sum total after many different amounts or scores have been added together.
An autonomous person makes their own decisions without being influenced by anyone else; an autonomous country or organization is independent and has the power to govern itself.
If two or more things coalesce, they come together to form a single larger unit.
A compendium is a detailed collection of information on a particular or specific subject, usually in a book.
If you concatenate two or more things, you join them together by linking them one after the other.
An eclectic assortment of things or people comes from many varied sources; additionally, it usually includes the best of those sources.
Ecumenical activities and ideas encourage different religions or congregations to work and worship together in order to unite them in friendship.
A farrago is a confused collection or mixture of different types of things.
The juxtaposition of two objects is the act of positioning them side by side so that the differences between them are more readily visible.
A medley is a collection of various things, such as different tunes in a song or different types of food in a meal.
A melange is a collection of different kinds of things.
A collection of things is motley if its parts are so different that they do not seem to belong in the same space; groups of widely variegated people can also be described as motley.
Something that is multifarious is made up of many kinds of different things.
A pastiche is a piece of writing, music, or film, etc. that is deliberately made in the style of other works; it can also use a variety of such copied material in order to laugh in a gentle way at those works.
If you peruse some written text, you read it over carefully.
Sundry people or things are all different from each other and cannot form a single group; nevertheless, they can be thought of as being together for the sake of ease, such as the various items in a garage.
When you are presented with a synoptic view of a written work or subject, you receive a summary or general overview of the entirety of its contents.
If someone is unlettered, they are illiterate, unable to read and write.
Something that is variegated has various tones or colors; it can also mean filled with variety.
Verbiage is an excessive use of words to convey something that could be expressed using fewer words; it can also be the manner or style in which someone uses words.
A welter of something is a large, overwhelming, and confusing amount of it; this word can also refer to a state of confusion, disorder, or turmoil.
Our teacher assigned us an omnibus, or collection of Faulkner’s short fiction that we could not finish. The vast omnibus of his writings included all of his novels. Dr. Emily Rose wanted us to read the entire anthology, but no one had time to complete all the pages of such a long omnibus. A second Faulkner omnibus contained hundreds of his letters, which we also could not complete.
Quiz:Try again!
What might an omnibus help you do?
Conveniently read some of an author’s writings all in one book.
Travel in an environmentally friendly vehicle.
Investigate the potential wrongdoing of a suspected criminal.
Bus Dominion We saw an omnibus of buses yesterday at the bus convention; there was such an omnibus of buses there that it seemed like buses held dominion over the entire world of transportation.
Readers who pick up the _Omnibus_ edition without understanding that _Wool_ developed out of a single short story may be a little confused by the episodic five sections in the book. _The Wool Omnibus_ is really three different related stories packed into one.
Neil Gaiman's _Sandman_, which spanned 75 glorious issues in the late ’80s and early ’90s, and spun wonder out of eternity and global folklore, remains the greatest 10-volume comic book omnibus ever published.
An omnibus was originally a long vehicle used as transportation “for all,” which was later shortened to just “bus.” Just as many people can be brought together on an omnibus, so too can many works be brought together into a single volume, or omnibus.
Word Constellation
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Related Words
agglomerate ·
aggregate ·
coalesce ·
compendium ·
concatenate ·
eclectic ·
ecumenical ·
farrago ·
juxtaposition ·
medley ·
melange ·
motley ·
multifarious ·
pastiche ·
peruse ·
sundry ·
synoptic ·
variegated ·
verbiage ·
welter ·
autonomous ·
unlettered ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
pertaining to that which covers many things or brings many things together
a bus
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.