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My multifarious or many and various health problems are keeping a whole collection of doctors busy. I am hooked up to multifarious, mixed machines that monitor many vital signs, such as heartbeat, blood pressure, kidney function—and even how many breaths I take in a minute. Despite the multifarious or numerous and diverse treatments advised by this large medical team, my health remains poor.

Quiz: When is something multifarious?

  • When it has many different parts or forms.
  • When it is a challenge to modern medicine.
  • When it requires much expertise to work.

Memory Hook

Multifarious Multi-ferry Us On our recent cruise to the multiple Caribbean islands we had to board a different type of ferry for each segment. They had to multi-ferry us on our multifarious vacation.


  • To aim for any achievement is thus to be flexible; accepting the possibility of multifarious forms of excellence but only one kind of perfection. — Elaine Sihera, British Writer, Sociologist, and Speaker Elaine sihera, british writer, sociologist, and speaker
  • [Author Zadie Smith] captures contemporary life through multifarious voices, exploring race and class, gender roles, generational differences, and politics. — The Christian Science Monitor
  • The Kennedy Center’s China Festival, with its multifarious representation of government-sanctioned art from the world’s most populous nation, had its moments, but the local debut of the "all-female percussion ensemble" Red Poppy was not among them. — The Washington Post

Word Ingredients

multi- many
-ious of the nature of

Something multifarious is “of the nature of many” things.

Word Constellation
