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An aftermath describes the consequences or results that follow a particularly destructive event, such as a natural disaster or war.
A bagatelle is something that is not important or of very little value or significance.
Debility is a state of being physically or mentally weak, usually due to illness.
A definitive opinion on an issue cannot be challenged; therefore, it is the final word or the most authoritative pronouncement on that issue.
A denouement is the end of a book, play, or series of events when everything is explained and comes to a conclusion.
When one country has dominion over another, it rules or controls it absolutely.
If you describe a person, group, or civilization as effete, you mean it is weak, exhausted, powerless, unproductive, and/or corrupt.
Efficacy is the ability or power to produce an expected effect or result.
A thing or action that is expedient is useful, advantageous, or appropriate to get something accomplished.
Someone who is feckless is incompetent and lacks the determination or skill to achieve much of anything at all in life.
A fruitless effort at doing something does not bring about a successful result.
A futile attempt at doing something is hopeless and pointless because it simply cannot be accomplished.
Someone who is ineffectual at a task is useless or ineffective when attempting to do it.
Someone who is inept is unable or unsuitable to do a job; hence, they are unfit for it.
Something that has inestimable value or benefit has so much of it that it cannot be calculated.
A luminary is someone who is much admired in a particular profession because they are an accomplished expert in their field.
A pantheon is also the collective gods of a given people.
Something that is pivotal is more important than anything else in a situation or a system; consequently, it is the key to its success.
Something’s potency is how powerful or effective it is.
Your prerogative is your right or privilege to do something.
A ramification from an action is a result or consequence of it—and is often unanticipated.
A repercussion of an act or event is the result or effect of it.
Something that is residual is the part that still stays or remains after the main part is taken away.
Something tenuous is thin, weak, and unconvincing.
If you refer to something as a trifle, you mean that it is of little or no importance or value.
Something trivial is of little value or is not important.
A utilitarian object is useful, serviceable, and practical—rather than fancy or unnecessary.
My English teachers had a large impact or effect on my learning. Through the impact or result of their teaching, I learned to find deeper meaning in what I read. The books we studied also created an impact or powerful change to my point of view; I learned so much, and now I love to read! My English classes made me want to become a teacher myself, and now I hope to have a positive impact or shape the experiences of future students.
Quiz:Try again!
What is an impact?
It is a major event that is talked about in the news.
It is a way that someone has affected someone else.
Limping Act Hey, buster, this is no mere limping act, for a huge boulder caused a powerful impact on my leg that busted my knee!
A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.
— Jackie Robinson, American baseball player who became the first African American to play MLB
Electric cars are squeaky clean, of course, in the sense that they don’t burn gas. With no engine, no gas tank, and no exhaust, they’re considered to be zero-emissions vehicles. But there’s more to a vehicle’s environmental impact than what comes out of the tailpipe.
. . . [Just] as people worry about the potential impact of self-driving vehicles today, a century ago there was much concern about the impact of the switch from horses to cars, notes [David] Autor [economist at MIT]. Horse-related jobs declined, but entirely new jobs were created in the motel and fast-food industries that arose to serve motorists and truck drivers.
The Economist
[Tara] Westover is self-taught, but her impact on the world has been to educate the rest of us—about the silos we live in and the obstacles faced by so many in our society.
An impact is caused by one thing “driving in against” another.
Word Theater
Deep Impact Now that's one whale of an impact!
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!
Word Constellation
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Related Words
aftermath+ ·
definitive ·
denouement ·
dominion+ ·
efficacy ·
expedient ·
inestimable+ ·
luminary ·
pantheon ·
pivotal ·
potency+ ·
prerogative ·
ramification+ ·
repercussion+ ·
residual ·
utilitarian ·
bagatelle+ ·
debility ·
effete+ ·
feckless ·
fruitless+ ·
futile ·
ineffectual+ ·
inept ·
tenuous ·
trifle+ ·
trivial+ ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
to have an effect on
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.