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If someone describes something as bilious, they mean that it is so disgusting and unpleasant that they feel like vomiting.
The adjective blithe indicates that someone does something casually or in a carefree fashion without much concern for the end result; as a result, they are happy and lighthearted.
Someone who has a bristling personality is easily offended, annoyed, or angered.
Someone in a buoyant mood is in good spirits.
A convivial atmosphere or occasion is friendly, pleasant, cheerful, and relaxed.
If you are despondent, you are extremely unhappy because you are in an unpleasant situation that you do not think will improve.
A dirge is a slow and sad piece of music often performed at funerals.
A disaffected member of a group or organization is not satisfied with it; consequently, they feel little loyalty towards it.
Something that is dolorous, such as music or news, causes mental pain and sorrow because it itself is full of grief and sorrow.
Someone who is dour is serious, stubborn, and unfriendly; they can also be gloomy.
Weather that is dreary tends to be depressing and gloomy; a situation or person that is dreary tends to be boring or uninteresting.
An effervescent individual is lively, very happy, and enthusiastic.
Ennui is the feeling of being bored, tired, and dissatisfied with life.
If something enthralls you, it makes you so interested and excited that you give it all your attention.
A state of euphoria is one of extreme happiness or overwhelming joy.
Excruciating can also refer to an activity that is very intense, such as excruciating attention to detail.
If you show exuberance, you display great excitement, energy, and enthusiasm.
If you exult, you show great pleasure and excitement, especially about something you have achieved.
An irascible person becomes angry very easily.
Someone who is jocular is cheerful and often makes jokes or tries to make people laugh.
If someone is lugubrious, they are looking very sad or gloomy.
If you are melancholy, you look and feel sad.
Someone who is morose is unhappy, bad-tempered, and unwilling to talk very much.
If you are pensive, you are deeply thoughtful, often in a sad and/or serious way.
A plaintive sound or voice expresses sadness.
Something that is propitious shows favorable conditions.
A providential event is a very lucky one because it happens at exactly the right time and often when it is needed most.
A rapturous feeling or reaction shows extreme pleasure, excitement, or happiness.
If you are sanguine about a situation, especially a difficult one, you are confident and cheerful that everything will work out the way you want it to.
Serendipity is the good fortune that some people encounter in finding or making interesting and valuable discoveries purely by luck.
A troglodyte is reclusive, severely lacking in social skills, and is out of step with current times.
If someone is described as vivacious, they are lively and have a happy, lighthearted manner.
Donna and Don’s wedding was a day of cheerful, joyous felicity for the whole family. Guests gathered, filled with wishes of happiness or felicity for the couple. The celebration—filled with bliss, delight, good spirits, and felicity—lasted longer than most celebrations of this sort because the guests were having such a good time!
Quiz:Try again!
What is most likely to cause someone to experience felicity?
Hearing an unexpected knock on their door at midnight.
Feminine Simplicity For some women, shopping is an act of simplicity that leads towards feminine felicity.
Here’s how [Abd al-Rahman III] assessed his life: . . . "Riches and honors, power and pleasure, have waited on my call, nor does any earthly blessing appear to have been wanting to my felicity."
New York Times
Diaz reminds you to take a breath, think about simple pleasures and linger in that warm space for a while. Her band provides the perfect groove to kick back and get comfortable while Diaz and her backing singers serenade you into felicity.
Felicity is the “state or quality” of being “happy or lucky.”
Word Theater
YouTube: Pharrel Williams: Happy! This song is all about felicity!
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!
Word Constellation
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Related Words
blithe ·
buoyant ·
convivial ·
effervescent ·
enthrall ·
euphoria+ ·
exuberance ·
exult ·
jocular ·
propitious ·
providential ·
rapturous ·
sanguine ·
serendipity ·
vivacious ·
bilious ·
bristling ·
despondent ·
dirge ·
disaffected ·
dolorous ·
dour ·
dreary+ ·
ennui ·
excruciating+ ·
irascible ·
lugubrious ·
melancholy ·
morose ·
pensive ·
plaintive ·
troglodyte ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
suitable; fortunate
unsuitable; unfortunate
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.