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  • Noun




Donna and Don’s wedding was a day of cheerful, joyous felicity for the whole family. Guests gathered, filled with wishes of happiness or felicity for the couple. The celebration—filled with bliss, delight, good spirits, and felicity—lasted longer than most celebrations of this sort because the guests were having such a good time!

Quiz: What is most likely to cause someone to experience felicity?

  • Hearing an unexpected knock on their door at midnight.
  • Spending an afternoon laughing with friends.
  • Finding a mouse under their bathroom sink.

Memory Hook

Feminine Simplicity For some women, shopping is an act of simplicity that leads towards feminine felicity.


  • Here’s how [Abd al-Rahman III] assessed his life: . . . "Riches and honors, power and pleasure, have waited on my call, nor does any earthly blessing appear to have been wanting to my felicity." — New York Times
  • Diaz reminds you to take a breath, think about simple pleasures and linger in that warm space for a while. Her band provides the perfect groove to kick back and get comfortable while Diaz and her backing singers serenade you into felicity. — NPR

Word Ingredients

felic happy, lucky
-ity state or quality

Felicity is the “state or quality” of being “happy or lucky.”

Word Theater

YouTube: Pharrel Williams: Happy! This song is all about felicity!

Word Constellation


Word Variants

felicitous adj suitable; fortunate
infelicitous adj unsuitable; unfortunate