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  • Verb




Mark only had a month to decide or make a choice about where he wanted to study business. He needed to decide or pick among three countries: India, France, and Australia. How could he decide or come up with an answer about which country he should study in? Mark thought about it for a long time and finally decided to study in Australia because he had family there. Now he has to decide or figure out which university he should attend!

Quiz: What do you do when you decide upon something?

  • You think about it for a long time.
  • You make a choice.
  • You hope to form an idea of what you want.

Memory Hook

December Sleigh Ride I live in Vermont because I decided long ago that I would like to be able to take December sleigh rides.


  • I was old enough, he said, to decide for myself. — Jacob Have I Loved
  • I was waiting for Ob to decide what he was going to do next. — Missing May
  • When he was born, he was registered as a member of his father’s tribe. But at 15, he decided to add the Juma name, his mother’s name, to his name. — Voice of America
  • I think he decided something I hope every young person here will decide. I think he decided very young to write his own life story. — Sports Illustrated

Word Ingredients

de- off
cid cut
e used for spelling and pronunciation

When you decide something, you “cut off” all other choices in favor of one choice.

Word Theater

Visionary Project: Shirley Chisholm: My Bid for Presidency Shirley Chisholm's wanting to see a Black woman become President made her decide to run herself!

Word Constellation


Word Variants

decision n a choice
decisive adj having the ability to make a choice