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  • Verb




Every Monday, our neighbor gives us a carton that contains or is filled with twelve fresh eggs. On Tuesday, my dad mixes those eggs in a bowl that also contains or holds flour, sugar, and milk, and then we enjoy eating cookies later that day. On Wednesday, we give our neighbor a box that contains or keeps twelve delicious cookies inside. On Thursday, our neighbor sends back an envelope that contains a thank-you note. His note always contains or has in it a drawing of his dog, Max, happily eating one of my dad’s cookies!

Quiz: Why might you contain something?

  • You want to keep it in one place.
  • You want to make sure everyone can have it.
  • You want to show others how it works.

Memory Hook

Container Contains Rain The word "rain" is contained within the word container, although it has splashed about a bit!


  • Nobody realized that the crate already contained a rat and a spider. — Charlotte's Web
  • Under that crust, evidence suggests Europa hosts a salty ocean that may stretch 40 to 100 miles deep, containing more than twice the volume of Earth’s oceans combined. — Smithsonian Magazine
  • Visitors will soon be able to see a long-hidden space inside the Medici Chapel in the Italian city of Florence. The walls of the small space contain drawings that some experts believe may have been created by the famous artist Michelangelo. — Voice of America

Word Ingredients

con- with, together
-tain hold

When you “hold [things] together,” you contain them, such as “holding together” fish in an aquarium.

Word Theater

TED-Ed: Just How Small Is an Atom? The nucleus or center of an atom contains tiny parts that are called protons and neutrons.

Word Constellation


Word Variants

container n something which is able to hold things, such as a box