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An anachronism is something that is out of place because it is set in the wrong time period.
Something antediluvian is so old or old-fashioned that it seems to belong to a much earlier period in history.
Something antiquated is old-fashioned and not suitable for modern needs or conditions.
Something that is archaic is out of date or not currently used any more because it is no longer considered useful or efficient.
A curio is an object that is very old or unusual; thus, it is viewed as interesting.
An erstwhile friend is a friend no longer.
An incipient situation or quality is just beginning to appear or develop.
Something that is nascent is just starting to develop and is expected to become stronger and bigger in time.
If something is obsolescent, it is slowly becoming no longer needed because something newer or more effective has been invented.
An opus is an important piece of artistic work by a writer, painter, musician, etc.; an opus can also be one in a series of numbered musical works by the same composer.
The adjective primordial is used to describe things that existed close to the formation of Earth or close to the origin or development of something.
The remnants of something are the small parts of it that are left after the main part has been used or destroyed.
Something that is superannuated is so old and worn out that it is no longer working or useful.
A vestige of something is a very small part that remains from a once larger whole.
While I was exploring Mayan culture in Guatemala, I found a number of artifacts or human-made items from that time, including old tools, pots, and even a calendar! I love trying to imagine what life once was like by looking at artifacts or objects created by people from the past. These artifacts or important historical pieces were unlike any I had discovered before, and they helped provide useful information about the Mayan people.
Artifact Proof It's a fact that the ancient civilization knew the art of weaponry, because I have a stone axe artifact to prove it.
Even though object collection [for the Coronavirus exhibit] can't start yet, the Smithsonian curators are hustling to get the word out about their various projects to keep people from throwing away would-be artifacts. Even a homemade face mask or an empty box that held a shipment of toilet paper could tell future historians a lot about the current moment. Today's junk, tomorrow's artifact.
The 30-30 pendant is a relic now, no longer found around his neck but in a display case at his home in the Dominican [Republic], like some artifact from another era.
Sports Illustrated
An artifact is an item “made or done” with “skill or craft.”
Word Theater
YouTube: Top 10 Unsolved Mysterious Ancient Artifacts The artifacts of Easter Island.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!