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You affront someone by openly and intentionally offending or insulting him.
Bedlam is a situation with a great deal of noise and confusion.
Someone who is boisterous is noisy, excitable, and full of boundless energy; therefore, they show a lack of disciplined restraint at times.
When a person is speaking or writing in a bombastic fashion, they are very self-centered, extremely showy, and excessively proud.
Braggadocio is an excessively proud way of talking about your achievements or possessions that can annoy others.
If you describe a person’s behavior as brazen, you mean that they are not embarrassed by anything they do—they simply don’t care what other people think about them.
Bumptious people are annoying because they are too proud of their abilities or opinions—they are full of themselves.
A cacophony is a loud and unpleasant mixture of sounds.
Decorous appearance or behavior is respectable, polite, and appropriate for a given occasion.
If you describe someone, usually a young woman, as demure, you mean that she is quiet, shy, and always behaves modestly.
Someone who is diffident is shy, does not want to draw notice to themselves, and is lacking in self-confidence.
Euphony is a pleasing sound in speech or music.
Grandiloquent speech is highly formal, exaggerated, and often seems both silly and hollow because it is expressly used to appear impressive and important.
When something is implicit, it is understood without having to say it.
Someone who is obstreperous is noisy, unruly, and difficult to control.
Pandemonium is a very noisy and uncontrolled situation, especially one that is caused by a lot of angry or excited people.
To rant is to go on an angry verbal attack.
A raucous sound is unpleasantly loud, harsh, and noisy.
Someone who is reserved is quiet, self-controlled, and keeps their thoughts mostly to themselves.
People who are reticent are unwilling to share information, especially about themselves, their thoughts, or their feelings.
Skittish persons or animals are made easily nervous or alarmed; they are likely to change behavior quickly and unpredictably.
A sonorous sound is pleasantly full, strong, and rich.
A stentorian voice is extremely loud and strong.
A stoic person does not show their emotions and does not complain when bad things happen to them.
A tacit agreement between two people is understood without having to use words to express it.
A taciturn person is quiet or silent by nature.
A tempestuous storm, temper, or crowd is violent, wild, and in an uproar.
To be timorous is to be fearful.
Someone is tremulous when they are shaking slightly from nervousness or fear; they may also simply be afraid of something.
A tumultuous event or period of time is filled with great excitement, confusion, or violence; a tumultuous reaction to something is likewise very loud and noisy because people are happy and excited.
Something that is vaunted, such as someone’s ability, is too highly praised and boasted about.
Someone who is zealous spends a lot of time, energy, and effort to support something— notably that of a political or religious nature—because they believe in it very strongly.
The loud and vociferous crowd yelled out for more. The concert had been a huge success with the band encouraging the vociferous input of the increasingly noisy crowd. Smart audience members chose to wear earplugs to combat the terrific din of the vociferous fans. Once the concert ended, the noise level remained high as everyone vociferously exclaimed about the great show of the band Quiet Riot.
Quiz:Try again!
How is someone acting if they are being vociferous?
They are greedily taking the best of everything for themselves.
Vocal Ferris A vociferousFerris Bueller vociferates on how to fake out parents.
The miners launched a sustained and vociferous public-relations campaign against the proposed "resource super-profits tax", and shelved billions of dollars of mining investments.
The Economist
Both New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and Michelle Obama have been most vociferous in admonishing food companies to lower the amount of salt in their products.
The Atlantic
Dig this scene with [Senators John] McCain and Lindsey Graham: "They were running for the exit signs," Graham said, and Democrats weren’t the only ones unhappy with McCain’s vociferous calls for troop increases.
The Atlantic
Republicans, whose vociferous calls for expanded offshore drilling have been met with widespread public approval, opposed the bill, claiming that it did not offer enough financial incentives to coastal states.
The Christian Science Monitor
One who is vociferous “carries or bears (her) voice” in order to be heard.
Word Theater
Mario Savio Sproul Hall Speech He vociferously states his opinions.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!
Word Constellation
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Related Words
affront ·
bedlam ·
boisterous ·
bombastic ·
braggadocio ·
brazen ·
bumptious ·
cacophony ·
grandiloquent ·
obstreperous ·
pandemonium ·
rant ·
raucous ·
stentorian ·
tempestuous ·
tumultuous ·
vaunted ·
zealous ·
decorous ·
demure ·
diffident ·
euphony ·
implicit+ ·
reserved+ ·
reticent ·
skittish ·
sonorous ·
stoic ·
tacit ·
taciturn ·
timorous ·
tremulous ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
to cry out loudly
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.