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If you abhor something, you dislike it very much, usually because you think it’s immoral.
Aliment is something, usually food, that feeds, nourishes, or supports someone or something else.
Antipathy is a strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something.
When something bedevils you, it causes you a lot of problems and difficulties over a period of time.
When you beleaguer someone, you act with the intent to annoy or harass that person repeatedly until they finally give you what you want.
Something brackish is distasteful and unpleasant usually because something else is mixed in with it; brackish water, for instance, is a mixture of fresh and salt water and cannot be drunk.
A person who is comely is attractive; this adjective is usually used with females, but not always.
A comestible is something that can be eaten.
If you describe something, especially food and drink, as delectable, you mean that it is very pleasant, tasty, or attractive.
Desiderata are a wish list of things that are considered highly desirable or necessary to have.
If you say a person’s actions are despicable, you think they are extremely unpleasant or nasty.
If something enthralls you, it makes you so interested and excited that you give it all your attention.
Someone who is epicurean derives great pleasure in material and sensual things, especially good food and drink.
Hedonism is the belief that pleasure is important, so much so that life should be spent doing only things that one enjoys.
If you describe something as heinous, you mean that is extremely evil, shocking, and bad.
Something humdrum is dull, boring, or tiresome.
The verb imbibe can also refer to drinking water or beverages.
A miasma is a harmful influence or evil feeling that seems to surround a person or place.
If something is noisome, it is extremely unpleasant, especially because it is very dirty or has an awful smell.
Something that is noxious is harmful, extremely unpleasant, and often poisonous.
If you describe people or things as odious, you think that they are extremely unpleasant.
If you describe something as palatable, such as an idea or suggestion, you believe that people will accept it; palatable food or drink is agreeable to the taste.
Something that is piquant is interesting and exciting; food that is piquant is pleasantly spicy.
Potable water is clean and safe to drink.
If something is redolent of something else, it has features that make you think of it; this word also refers to a particular odor or scent that can be pleasantly strong.
If you repudiate something, you state that you do not accept or agree with it and no longer want to be connected with it in any way.
Repugnance is a strong feeling of dislike for something or someone you find horrible and offensive.
A sybarite is very fond of expensive and luxurious things; therefore, they are devoted to a life of pleasure.
Something is toothsome when it is tasty, attractive, or pleasing in some way; this adjective can apply to food, people, or objects.
Something or someone that is unprepossessing is not impressive or is unattractive.
A thing or person that is unremitting is persistent and enduring in what is being done.
If you describe something as unsavory, you mean that it is unpleasant or morally unacceptable.
An unsightly person presents an ugly, unattractive, or disagreeable face to the world.
A virulent disease is very dangerous and spreads very quickly.
Vitriolic words are bitter, unkind, and mean-spirited.
Someone who is winsome is attractive and charming.
The travel brochure tantalized Thomas; he longed for a trip to England but realistically knew he couldn’t afford such a journey. His conversation with the travel agent about the idea of the trip further tantalized or excited him. The airfares were at a special low price, which tantalized Thomas even more; nevertheless, he realized with frustration that the trip was still beyond his reach.
Quiz:Try again!
If you are tantalized by something, how might you feel?
Nervous, since you are being chased by something that could hurt you.
Excited, since you are experiencing something new and different.
Frustrated, since you want it but probably can’t have it.
Important RealizationNow that I've made my important realization, it will no longer tantalize me!
To torment and tantalize oneself with hopes of possible fortune is so sweet, so thrilling!
— Anton Chekhov, Russian playwright and short-story writer, from “The Lottery Ticket”
Financial advisers like to tantalize us by explaining how a tiny investment can grow into a startling sum through the exponential magic of compound interest.
After a nine-year, three-billion-mile journey—and a brief technical hiccup on July 4—the New Horizons probe will get within 7,750 miles of the mysterious world during a flyby on July 14. The spacecraft has been making observations as it closes in on its target, and already it's found things that tantalize the science teams at NASA.
Smithsonian Magazine looked at the background and restaurants of the five young chefs nominated for the Rising Star award and located some fun things to do and see around their restaurant. And we also found out their signature dishes to further tantalize your taste buds.
ABC News
Tantalize comes from the Greek mythological character “Tantalus,” whose punishment in the Underworld did not allow him to eat or drink, despite the fact that he was standing in water and grapes hung over his head; hence, to tantalize is to “treat like Tantalus.”
Word Theater
YouTube: Shabam School: The Fox and the Grapes The grapes are tantalizing the fox.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!