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  • Noun




The seemingly harmless public official was clearly a self-serving sycophant who flattered superiors to obtain favors from them. This lying sycophant—or person who caters to another—spoke empty praises to anyone who would hear him for the purpose of making those people think well of him so he, in turn, could gain power. This sycophant used such an excessive array of false compliments that he at long last wormed his way into a leadership position.

Quiz: What is a sycophant?

  • Someone who is good at telling others what they want to hear.
  • Someone who works their way up to a position of power.
  • Someone who falsely praises those in authority to get something they want.

Memory Hook

Syco Pant Man "Man, you're a sicko! You ask the boss what pants he wants you to wear? You're such a sick sycophant!"


  • Whenever you commend, add your reasons for doing so; it is this which distinguishes the approbation of a man of sense from the flattery of sycophants and admiration of fools. — Sir Richard Steele, Irish writer and politician Sir richard steele, irish writer and politician
  • Pop music writing is [seemingly] dominated by three following camps: Writers who construct dense, hyperbolic prose that is ostensibly only written for other music writers, consumer-guide reviewers whose meme is "quantity beats quality," and the sycophant. — The Atlantic
  • Dante’s attitude toward sycophants, as brown-nosers are called, is a sign of the general attitude of the time, Parker said. It wasn’t a good thing to be a suck-up. People believed it had a real effect on the cultural fabric. — NPR
  • [A]s Kyle puts it, “I want to be a partner so I can sleep until 5:00 a.m. every day until I die at fifty. That’s what I want.” Not to mention the pressures of passing the bar, billing a minimum of 2,000 hours a year, and honing much-needed skills as a sycophant. — The Christian Science Monitor

Word Ingredients

syc fig
-o- connective
phan cause to appear, show

A sycophant is a “shower of figs;” one possible explanation of this word is that sycophants would inform authorities about crooks who were illegally exporting “figs” from Athens.

Word Constellation
