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  • Noun




After winning the championship for his team, Brad gained the sobriquet or nickname “Golden Boy.” This admiring term or friendly sobriquet reflected the affection of his team and fans. Brad was a bit embarrassed by the label or sobriquet—he felt that the win had been a team effort and not solely his own doing.

Quiz: What is a sobriquet?

  • An affectionate and funny name given to someone.
  • An award given to someone for years of hard work.
  • A team surprisingly winning a national championship.

Memory Hook

Briquette Sobriquet I have given my grill charcoal or briquettes the sobriquet of "meat so sizzlings" because those briquettes make sizzling meat taste so good!


  • Harlemites had coined the sobriquet "Sugar Hill" not only because the street was perched on a bluff far above the shivering hunger of Harlem but also because sugar [was] slang for money. — Kathryn Talalay, American editor and writer, from _Composition in Black and White_
  • The economy has grown by an average of 9 percent a year for the past 10 years and earned Ireland the sobriquet "Celtic Tiger." — The Christian Science Monitor
  • Then there are those who had brief success, earning for the moment the sobriquet the Next Great Golfer, only to settle back—people like Jerry Heard, Lanny Wadkins and Ben Crenshaw. — Sports Illustrated

Word Ingredients

From a root word meaning “chuck under the chin,” which is a friendly manner with which to interact with someone, as is giving someone a nickname; both are considered to be “endearments” which are often used with people who are “dear” to each other.

Word Theater

The Julie Andrews Archive: “The Princess Diaries” Mia shares that her nickname in school was Motormouth and finds out her grandmother was called by only her real name as a child.

Word Constellation
