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An abortive attempt or action is cut short before it is finished; hence, it is unsuccessful.
Something that happens unexpectedly and by chance that is not inherent or natural to a given item or situation is adventitious, such as a root appearing in an unusual place on a plant.
Something that is apposite is relevant or suitable to what is happening or being discussed.
If you describe a decision, rule, or plan as arbitrary, you think that it was decided without any thought, standard, or system to guide it; therefore, it can seem unfair.
The adjective auspicious describes a positive beginning of something, such as a new business, or a certain time that looks to have a good chance of success or prosperity.
Bedlam is a situation with a great deal of noise and confusion.
If you describe someone as benign, they are kind, gentle, and harmless.
When you are granted a boon, you are given a special gift or favor that is of great benefit to you.
A cataclysm is a violent, sudden event that causes great change and/or harm.
A condign reward or punishment is deserved by and appropriate or fitting for the person who receives it.
Consternation is the feeling of anxiety or fear, sometimes paralyzing in its effect, and often caused by something unexpected that has happened.
If something is contingent upon something else, the first thing depends on the second in order to happen or exist.
A debacle is something, such as an event or attempt, that fails completely in an embarrassing way.
Something that is deleterious has a harmful effect.
A deluge is a sudden, heavy downfall of rain; it can also be a large number of things, such as papers or e-mails, that someone gets all at the same time, making them very difficult to handle.
If something discomfits you, it makes you feel embarrassed, confused, uncomfortable, or frustrated.
If something disconcerts you, it makes you feel anxious, worried, or confused.
When someone feels disquiet about a situation, they feel very worried or nervous.
If you exult, you show great pleasure and excitement, especially about something you have achieved.
If you are experiencing felicity about something, you are very happy about it.
If an event becomes a fiasco, it is a complete and embarrassing failure.
Something fortuitous happens purely by chance and produces a successful or pleasant result.
An inadvertent action is not done intentionally; rather, it is an accident that happens because someone is not being attentive to their surroundings.
Something that is inevitable will certainly occur because it cannot be avoided.
Something or someone that is maleficent deliberately tries to cause harm or evil.
Malfeasance is an unlawful act, especially one committed by a trusted public official.
Someone who is morose is unhappy, bad-tempered, and unwilling to talk very much.
If something is noisome, it is extremely unpleasant, especially because it is very dirty or has an awful smell.
Pandemonium is a very noisy and uncontrolled situation, especially one that is caused by a lot of angry or excited people.
Something that is pernicious is very harmful or evil, often in a way that is hidden or not quickly noticed.
If you are in a plight, you are in trouble of some kind or in a state of unfortunate circumstances.
If you are in a predicament, you are in a difficult situation or unpleasant mess that is hard to get out of.
Something that is propitious shows favorable conditions.
A providential event is a very lucky one because it happens at exactly the right time and often when it is needed most.
A rapturous feeling or reaction shows extreme pleasure, excitement, or happiness.
If you are sanguine about a situation, especially a difficult one, you are confident and cheerful that everything will work out the way you want it to.
To subvert something, such as a government, is to try to destroy or damage its power and influence; to subvert someone is to corrupt their morals, loyalty, or faith.
Severe problems, suffering, or difficulties experienced in a particular situation are all examples of tribulations.
If you did something in an unwitting fashion, you didn’t know that you were doing it; therefore, it was unintentional on your part.
Vicissitudes can be unexpected or simply normal changes and variations that happen during the course of people’s lives.
Running into my friend, whom I hadn’t seen in years, was a moment of serendipity or pure luck. He himself had had an amazing run of serendipity or fortunate discovery in turn. For instance, on a backpacking trip through Mexico, he accidentally stumbled upon a major archeological find—talk about serendipity!
Serious End of Pity Wouldn't it be great if, by serendipity, someone discovered a serious way to endpity by fixing all the woes in the world?
I have never chosen my next job. I focus on what's in front of me, and serendipity steps in.
Susan Brooks, American politician and former U.S. Representative for Indiana
In 2008, CBC science expert Bob McDonald wrote: "Finding the first black hole was a wonderful case of serendipity [in] science. Dr. Bolton wasn’t looking for a black hole; he was studying binary systems, where two stars orbit around each other like ice dancers. But he noticed that a particular pair in the constellation Cygnus was not behaving normally."
Winnipeg Free Press
Serendipity. It’s the word renowned photographer Medford Taylor uses to describe his approach to the camera. “I don’t set things up, I seldom plan things,” says the 78-year-old photojournalist . . . .
The News and Advance
Since icefish blood can only transport 10 percent as much oxygen as typical fish blood, icefishes were forced to dramatically alter their bodies in order to survive. In this scenario, despite an evolutionary blunder that would be lethal to most fish, the icefishes' grit—as well as a little ecological serendipity—rescued them from their own bad blood.
Scientific American
Serendipity is the “state or quality of Serendip.” In the old Persian tale “The Three Princes of Serendip,” three heroes are described who make lucky discoveries.