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A callous person’s attitude is cruel, uncaring, and shows no concern for others whatsoever.
A catatonic person is in a state of suspended action; therefore, they are rigid, immobile, and unresponsive.
Cogitating about something is thinking deeply about it for a long time.
Cognitive describes those things related to judgment, memory, and other mental processes of knowing.
The word corporeal refers to the physical or material world rather than the spiritual; it also means characteristic of the body rather than the mind or feelings.
When you envisage something, you imagine or consider its future possibility.
If someone is impassive, they are not showing any emotion.
Something inanimate is dead, motionless, or not living; therefore, it does not display the same traits as an active and alive organism.
If an idea or thought is incisive, it is expressed in a penetrating and knowledgeable manner that is clear and brief; additionally, it can demonstrate impressive understanding of related ideas or thoughts.
When something is inert, it has no power of movement or is inactive.
Something that is latent, such as an undiscovered talent or undiagnosed disease, exists but is not active or has not developed at the moment—it may develop or become active in the future.
When you are listless, you lack energy and interest and are unwilling to exert any effort.
If you describe something as moribund, you imply that it is no longer effective; it may also be coming to the end of its useful existence.
Someone is obtuse when they are slow to understand things; someone can choose to be obtuse when they deliberately do not try to figure things out.
Someone who demonstrates perspicacity notices or understands things very quickly.
A state of quiescence is one of quiet and restful inaction.
A sagacious person is wise, intelligent, and has the ability to make good practical decisions.
A savant is a person who knows a lot about a subject, either via a lifetime of learning or by considerable natural ability.
If you are somnolent, you are sleepy.
Something soporific makes you feel sleepy or drowsy.
Stasis is a state of little change over a long period of time, or a condition of inactivity caused by an equal balance of opposing forces.
Stupor is a state in which someone’s mind and senses are dulled; consequently, they are unable to think clearly or act normally.
If your body is affected by torpor, you are severely lacking in energy; therefore, you are idle—and can even be numb.
When you are vigilant, you are keenly watchful, careful, or attentive to a task or situation.
At first we were unsure whether we had located a sentient or aware being on the surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa. As we examined what appeared to be a living creature, we became more and more convinced that the entity we had found was sentient or alert as it responded to different stimuli from its environment. The more we learned about “Eury,” as we had named the life-form, the more we believed that they were sentient or able to use senses to react to their surroundings. One day one of researchers even thought that the sentient Eury seemed happy or excited when we put them back on the shores of Europa’s ocean.
PatientSensation The tree seemed sentient to me, as if it were somehow patiently sensing and even enjoying the beauty of nature around it!
“The ethical argument is that you should not use sentient creatures to our purposes unnecessarily,” said Dr. John J. Pippin, a Dallas cardiologist affiliated with [the] group. “The reasons to use live animals, whatever they were, are no longer valid.”
Los Angeles Times
If robots can mimic humans so closely that they're nearly indistinguishable from, say, a child, would they rise above being considered as property, gain legal status as "sentient beings," and be granted limited rights?
The Christian Science Monitor
Kelvin finds that the ship is in thrall to the mysterious planet, Solaris, which it is orbiting. Solaris seems to be a sort of sentient being, able to toy with its human visitors by identifying their deepest traumas and casting them in material form.
The New York Times
Though the monks' orange-robed parliamentary leader, the Venerable Athuraliye Rathana, wants peace for most sentient beings, Tamil rebels are clearly excluded.
The Economist
A sentient being “is in a state of feeling, sensing, perceiving, or noticing” its surroundings.
Word Constellation
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Related Words
cogitate ·
cognitive ·
envisage ·
incisive ·
perspicacity ·
sagacious ·
savant ·
vigilant ·
callous ·
catatonic ·
corporeal ·
impassive ·
inanimate+ ·
inert ·
latent ·
listless ·
moribund ·
obtuse ·
quiescence ·
somnolent ·
soporific ·
stasis ·
stupor ·
torpor ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
awareness; consciousness
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.