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When you claim that something is banal, you do not like it because you think it is ordinary, dull, commonplace, and boring.
A chronic illness or pain is serious and lasts for a long time; a chronic problem is always happening or returning and is very difficult to solve.
Something that is diurnal happens on a daily basis.
Ennui is the feeling of being bored, tired, and dissatisfied with life.
Something ephemeral, such as some insects or a sunset, lasts for only a short time or has a very short lifespan.
Something that is evanescent lasts for only a short time before disappearing from sight or memory.
Hackneyed words, images, ideas, or sayings have been used so often that they no longer seem interesting or amusing.
Something that is immutable is always the same and cannot be changed.
Something that is interminable continues for a very long time in a boring or annoying way.
An inveterate person is always doing a particular thing, especially something questionable—and they are not likely to stop doing it.
Something mediocre is average or ordinary in quality; it’s just OK.
An organization or system that is a monolith is extremely large; additionally, it is unwilling or very slow to change or adopt something new.
Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not interesting or exciting, especially because it happens very often.
If you describe something as pedestrian, you think that it is ordinary and not interesting.
Something that is perennial lasts a very long time and is enduring.
A platitude is an unoriginal statement that has been used so many times that it is considered almost meaningless and pointless, even though it is presented as important.
Something prosaic is dull, boring, and ordinary.
Stasis is a state of little change over a long period of time or a condition of inactivity caused by an equal balance of opposing forces.
If you are steadfast, you have a firm belief in your actions or opinions and refuse to give up or change them because you are certain that you are doing the right thing.
Something that is temporal deals with the present and somewhat brief time of this world.
Something that has the quality of transience lasts for only a short time or is constantly changing.
A trite remark or idea is so overused that it is no longer interesting or novel.
Something uncanny is very strange, unnatural, or highly unusual.
An unparalleled accomplishment has not been equaled by anyone or cannot be compared to anything that anyone else has ever done.
Something unprecedented has never occurred; therefore, it is unusual, original, or new.
A thing or person that is unremitting is persistent and enduring in what is being done.
When someone vacillates, they go back and forth about a choice or opinion, unable to make a firm decision.
Something that is volatile can change easily and vary widely.
A watershed is a crucial event or turning point in either the history of a nation or the life of an individual that brings about a significant change.
If you waver, you cannot decide between two things because you have serious doubts about which choice is better.
My quotidian or daily purchase of ten cups of coffee has to stop. Not only am I running out of money from this quotidian or commonplace habit, but I’m getting a little too jumpy and nervous. If I do this I’ll have a quotidian, everyday headache and lack energy for a few weeks or months! Better let me think a bit more about it while I sip and spill my seventh coffee.
Quiz:Try again!
When is something described as quotidian?
When it is unhealthy and addictive but very tasty.
Diary Quote Everyday I quote one of my friends in my diary; my quotidian diary quotes will be very interesting to read some day.
The poignant "All Girl Band" stumps along cheerily, pretending it’s not about the quotidian struggle of being young, female and relentlessly hopeful.
Rolling Stone
The news comes amid growing hype about going green, in an age when climate change has become as common a conversation topic as its quotidian counterpart, the weather.
The Christian Science Monitor
The experience is fundamentally asocial, for it directs preoccupation away from the what and how of daily business toward the why, the mere asking of which marks separation from the quotidian, if not yet transcendence.
The New York Times