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Something that is apposite is relevant or suitable to what is happening or being discussed.
A chimerical idea is unrealistic, imaginary, or unlikely to be fulfilled.
A chivalrous man behaves in a polite, kind, generous, and honorable way, especially towards women.
Something that is delusive deceives you by giving a false belief about yourself or the situation you are in.
Empirical evidence or study is based on real experience or scientific experiments rather than on unproven theories.
If something is extant, it is still in existence despite being very old.
If you think something, such as a statement or idea, is fatuous, you consider it stupid or extremely silly; a fatuous hope is unrealistic.
When you formulate a plan of action, you carefully work it out or design it in great detail ahead of time.
A futile attempt at doing something is hopeless and pointless because it simply cannot be accomplished.
Something illusory appears real or possible; in fact, it is neither.
Something that is implausible is unlikely to be true or hard to believe that it’s true.
If you describe someone’s behavior as inane, you think it is completely stupid or without much meaning.
A judicious person shows good or sound judgment because they are wise and careful in making decisions.
Something that is notional exists only as an idea or in theory—not in reality.
If someone is objective, they base their opinions on facts rather than personal feelings or beliefs.
If you handle something in a pragmatic way, you deal with it in a realistic and practical manner rather than just following unproven theories or ideas.
Something that is specious seems to be good, sound, or correct but is actually wrong or fake.
A spurious statement is false because it is not based on sound thinking; therefore, it is not what it appears to be.
Something tenuous is thin, weak, and unconvincing.
Something unfeasible cannot be made or achieved.
An unfounded claim is not based upon evidence; instead, it is unproven or groundless.
A utilitarian object is useful, serviceable, and practical—rather than fancy or unnecessary.
Something that is vaporous is not completely formed but foggy and misty; in the same vein, a vaporous idea is insubstantial and vague.
A viable project is practical or can be accomplished; therefore, it is worth doing.
A whimsical idea or person is slightly strange, unusual, and amusing rather than serious and practical.
His determination to build low-cost housing despite little support from the community seemed quixotic or impractical at best. As part of this unrealistic or quixotic quest, Louis erected large billboards on the highway promising houses for the unbelievably low price of $20,000. While locals appreciated the contractor’s ideal vision, his excessively romantic, quixotic scheme was doomed to failure.
Quiz:Try again!
What does a quixotic plan involve?
EroticQuest Nixed The quixotic Don Quixote so loved Dulcinea that he traveled for years throughout Spain in search of her, on an eroticquest finally nixed by his failure to join with the beautiful Dulcinea in marriage, or in anything else, for that matter.
Mr Kucinich has returned to Cleveland thoroughly trounced, and is confronted with a revolt among his fellow Ohio Democrats who are tired of his quixotic runs for the presidency.
The Economist
The energy package pursues objectives that range, depending on your point of view, from the laudable and visionary to the quixotic and crazily expensive.
The Economist
The prize for this season’s most quixotic quest goes to a pair of Irishmen, Brian Cunningham and Jamie Young, who hoped to travel from the Pole to the coast by kite-powered buggies.
Sports Illustrated
Someone who is quixotic acts “like Quixote.” From the famous character Don “Quixote,” who was known for his rather fanciful plans and idealistic exploits.
Word Theater
The Importance of Being Earnest Cecily finds Algernon's idea of reforming himself to be rather quixotic.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!