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When something is adjacent to something else, it lies close to or neighbors it.
An adjunct is something that is added to or joined to something else that is larger or more important.
If you have an affiliation with a group or another person, you are officially involved or connected with them.
If something is an anomaly, it is different from what is usual or expected; hence, it is highly noticeable.
Something is concomitant when it happens at the same time as something else and is connected with it in some fashion.
If you conflate two or more descriptions or ideas, you combine them in order to produce a single unit.
A confluence is a situation where two or more things meet or flow together at a single point or area—usually where two streams join together.
Consanguinity is the state of being related to someone else by blood or having a similar close relationship to them.
Contiguous things are in contact with or near each other; contiguous events happen one right after the other without a break.
A situation or thing that is discordant does not fit in with other things; therefore, it is disagreeable, strange, or unpleasant.
Things that are disparate are clearly different from each other and belong to different groups or classes.
A dissident is someone who disagrees publicly with a government, especially in a country where this is not allowed.
Dissonance is an unpleasant situation of opposition in which ideas or actions are not in agreement or harmony; dissonance also refers to a harsh combination of sounds.
Something that is divisive is likely to cause arguments between people.
A small group or issue that is factious is controversial and promotes strong disagreement or dissatisfaction within a larger group.
A heretic is someone who doubts or acts in opposition to commonly or generally accepted beliefs.
Heterodox beliefs, ideas, or practices are different from accepted or official ones.
The word homogeneous is used to describe a group that has members or parts which are similar or are all of the same type.
One thing that is incommensurate with another is different in its level, size, or quality from the second; this may lead to an unfair situation.
Something that is incongruous is strange when considered along with its group because it seems very different from the other things in its group.
Two irreconcilable opinions or points of view are so opposed to each other that it is not possible to accept both of them or reach a settlement between them.
The juxtaposition of two objects is the act of positioning them side by side so that the differences between them are more readily visible.
Liaison is the cooperation and exchange of information between people or organizations in order to facilitate their joint efforts; this word also refers to a person who coordinates a connection between people or organizations.
Proximity is how close or near one thing is to another.
If two people have established a good rapport, their connection is such that they have a good understanding of and can communicate well with one other.
Rapprochement is the development of greater understanding and friendliness between two countries or groups of people after a period of unfriendly relations.
A schism causes a group or organization to divide into two groups as a result of differences in their aims and beliefs.
A semblance is an outward appearance of what is wanted or expected but is not exactly as hoped for.
A simulacrum is an image or representation of something that can be a true copy or may just have a vague similarity to it.
The propinquity of the two neighboring farmers explains why they have so much in common: living so closely to each other gives them ample opportunity to influence each other. The propinquity or closeness of their respective small farms once sparked a new idea in both of them. They decided to capitalize on their propinquity or nearness of location by merging the harvest of their separate farms to meet the needs of higher-paying, organic-produce buyers.
Promise Pinkie in Proximity (Pinkie Swear) Two friends make a promise by putting their pinkies in propinquity, or proximity, to each other.
Fans of her acerbic humor may be hoping that the comedian has something special in store for an audience that lives in such propinquity to the powers she has repeatedly targeted.
The Washington Post
In the case of the pictures in “#nyc,” closeness involves not just a physical propinquity but also a kind of psychic insight into others’ hearts and minds.
The New Yorker
He calls it the “propinquity effect,” a theory in architecture that describes when people who don’t usually have the opportunity to meet are provided the space to connect—and become friends because of it, breaking down the “silos” that so often separate people by neighborhood, economic status, ethnicity and profession.
The Washington Post