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A state of anarchy occurs when there is no organization or order in a nation or country, especially when no effective government exists.
If you deal with a difficult situation with aplomb, you deal with it in a confident and skillful way.
Bedlam is a situation with a great deal of noise and confusion.
Someone who is boisterous is noisy, excitable, and full of boundless energy; therefore, they show a lack of disciplined restraint at times.
A cacophony is a loud and unpleasant mixture of sounds.
A cataclysm is a violent, sudden event that causes great change and/or harm.
A chaotic state of affairs is in a state of confusion and complete disorder.
Two people concordant with each other are in agreement or harmony.
Consternation is the feeling of anxiety or fear, sometimes paralyzing in its effect, and often caused by something unexpected that has happened.
When you are given a directive, you are given an instruction or order that directs you to do something.
When you are in a state of disarray, you are disorganized, disordered, and in a state of confusion.
If something discomfits you, it makes you feel embarrassed, confused, uncomfortable, or frustrated.
If something disconcerts you, it makes you feel anxious, worried, or confused.
A situation or thing that is discordant does not fit in with other things; therefore, it is disagreeable, strange, or unpleasant.
When someone feels disquiet about a situation, they feel very worried or nervous.
Entropy is the lack of organization or measure of disorder currently in a system.
If you exhibit equanimity, you demonstrate a calm mental state—without showing upset or annoyance—when you deal with a difficult situation.
Euphony is a pleasing sound in speech or music.
To foment is to encourage people to protest, fight, or cause trouble and violent opposition to something that is viewed by some as undesirable.
A fracas is a rough and noisy fight or loud argument that can involve multiple people.
When two people are in a harmonious state, they are in agreement with each other; when a sound is harmonious, it is pleasant or agreeable to the ear.
When there is havoc, there is great disorder, widespread destruction, and much confusion.
If someone is imperturbable, they are always calm and not easily upset or disturbed by any situation, even dangerous ones.
A maelstrom is either a large whirlpool in the sea or a violent or agitated state of affairs.
A melee is a noisy, confusing, hand-to-hand fight involving a group of people.
An organization or system that is a monolith is extremely large; additionally, it is unwilling or very slow to change or adopt something new.
A paroxysm is a sudden uncontrolled expression of emotion or a short attack of pain, coughing, or shaking.
A placid scene or person is calm, quiet, and undisturbed.
A raucous sound is unpleasantly loud, harsh, and noisy.
If you are in a state of repose, your mind is at peace or your body is at rest.
A serene place or situation is peaceful and calm.
A sonorous sound is pleasantly full, strong, and rich.
Stasis is a state of little change over a long period of time or a condition of inactivity caused by an equal balance of opposing forces.
If you are steadfast, you have a firm belief in your actions or opinions and refuse to give up or change them because you are certain that you are doing the right thing.
A stoic person does not show their emotions and does not complain when bad things happen to them.
A tempestuous storm, temper, or crowd is violent, wild, and in an uproar.
If something is tranquil, it is peaceful, calm, and quiet.
A tumultuous event or period of time is filled with great excitement, confusion, or violence; a tumultuous reaction to something is likewise very loud and noisy because people are happy and excited.
Turbulence describes a state of extreme disorder or confusion; it can also refer to unpredictable and wild wind currents.
When you experience turmoil, there is great confusion, disturbance, instability, and disorder in your life.
To be unfazed is to not be affected by something that happens to you, even if it is quite embarrassing or bothersome.
A utopia is a perfect place where there are no problems and everyone is in agreement.
A welter of something is a large, overwhelming, and confusing amount of it; this word can also refer to a state of confusion, disorder, or turmoil.
Sheer pandemonium and chaos broke out when the third graders noticed that the class boa constrictor was not in its cage. The teacher could not control or lessen the screaming that followed in such disorderly pandemonium. Finally, when the pandemonium and unruly uproar died down, the teacher could finally explain that the boa constrictor was at the vet, not lost in the classroom, and would be back on Tuesday.
Quiz:Try again!
What is an example of pandemonium?
An orderly group of runners participating in a race that takes them through downtown Chicago.
An unexpected fire drill that causes chaos and confusion among hundreds of students.
A large audience that applauds for several minutes upon the conclusion of a Shakespeare play.
DemonPanic When the three-horned, red-skinned, and horribly grinning demon walked into the crowded room, all the people were thrown into an immediate panic, which increased into complete pandemonium when another demon appeared through the other door to the room ... and made sure both doors were locked.
Now I see these images replay in my hometown of Chicago: clashes in the Loop, State Street scuffles, pandemonium on the North Side.
Christian Science Monitor
The term [Black Friday] is often credited to Philadelphia’s policemen, who used it to describe the pandemonium caused by suburban shoppers and tourists thronging the city ahead of the annual Army-Navy American-football game on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
The Economist
Pandemonium originally referred to the home or capital of all the demons or evil spirits that inhabited hell, who were not particularly interested in being calm or law-abiding.
Word Theater
YouTube: Celebrity TV Shopping pandemonium!
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!