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The adjective agrarian is used to describe something that is related to farmland or the economy that is concerned with agriculture.
The adjective bucolic is used to describe things that are related to or characteristic of rural or country life.
A cosmopolitan area represents large cultural diversity and people from around the globe; a cosmopolitan person is broad-minded and wise in the ways of the world.
A demographic study describes the characteristics of part of a population that is usually used for purposes of marketing.
A desolate area is unused, empty of life, deserted, and lonely.
An eclectic assortment of things or people comes from many varied sources; additionally, it usually includes the best of those sources.
Ecumenical activities and ideas encourage different religions or congregations to work and worship together in order to unite them in friendship.
A forlorn person is lonely because they have been abandoned; a forlorn home has been deserted.
A gregarious person is friendly, highly social, and prefers being with people rather than being alone.
The adjective hermetic describes something that is set apart, isolated, or separate from the influence or interference of society at large.
If someone is insular, they are either unwilling to meet anyone outside their own small group or they are not interested in learning new ideas.
A macrocosm is a large, complex, and organized system or structure that is made of many small parts that form one unit, such as a society or the universe.
A pariah is a social outcast.
Someone has a parochial outlook when they are mostly concerned with narrow or limited issues that affect a small, local area or a very specific cause; they are also unconcerned with wider or more general issues.
A pastoral environment is rural, peaceful, simple, and natural.
A provincial outlook is narrow-minded and unsophisticated, limited to the opinions of a relatively local area.
A recluse is someone who chooses to live alone and deliberately avoids other people.
A rustic setting is rural or placed in the country.
A troglodyte also refers to prehistoric peoples who once lived in caves.
If you behave in an urbane way, you are behaving in a polite, refined, and civilized fashion in social situations.
Something that is variegated has various tones or colors; it can also mean filled with variety.
A vernacular is the ordinary and everyday language spoken by people in a particular country or region that differs from the literary or standard written language of that area.
A yokel is uneducated, naive, and unsophisticated; they do not know much about modern life or ideas because they sequester themselves in a rural setting.
I really want to live in a metropolitan area or very large city when I grow up. I just think that metropolitan or people-filled centers—such as New York City, Tokyo, and Mexico City—offer such great cultural opportunities. Since I love being around others, the larger the metropolitan or huge urban zone, the better!
Quiz:Try again!
What might you find in a metropolitan area?
Large farms surrounding a small town.
Tall buildings and streets full of cars and people.
Neapolitan Neapolitans are from Naples, the second largest metropolitan area in Italy.
Sager said he expects wide-scale expansion of safe, efficient, and economical mass-transit systems to reduce traffic congestion in all major metropolitan areas in the coming decades.
The Onion
Handsets and streaming data plans still remain an expensive commodity for many, though, and reception can of course wash out, especially in rural or highly-trafficked metropolitan areas.
Rolling Stone
More than 2 million flights pass over the city every year, most traveling to and from the metropolitan area’s three busiest airports: John F. Kennedy, Newark, and LaGuardia.
Take any one of a half-dozen large metropolitan areas and add an energy industry and you get the performance you have in Dallas or Houston.
The Economist
A metropolitan setting refers to where the “citizens of a mother (city)” live.
Word Theater
Michael Shainblum: Cityscapes These scenes of metropolitan areas include the large cities of Dubai, San Francisco, Shanghai, and Chicago.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!
Word Constellation
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Related Words
cosmopolitan+ ·
demographic ·
eclectic ·
ecumenical ·
gregarious ·
macrocosm+ ·
urbane ·
variegated ·
agrarian+ ·
bucolic+ ·
desolate+ ·
forlorn ·
hermetic+ ·
insular+ ·
pariah ·
parochial ·
pastoral+ ·
provincial ·
recluse ·
rustic+ ·
troglodyte* ·
vernacular* ·
yokel ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
a very large city
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.