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An abortive attempt or action is cut short before it is finished; hence, it is unsuccessful.
When you employ artifice, you use clever tricks and cunning to deceive someone.
When you describe someone as astute, you think they quickly understand situations or behavior and use it to their advantage.
A canard is a piece of news or information that is false; it is deliberately spread either to harm someone or as a hoax.
Candor is the quality of being honest and open in speech or action.
If you employ chicanery, you are devising and carrying out clever plans and trickery to cheat and deceive people.
Something that is clandestine is hidden or kept a secret, often because it is illegal.
If you collude with people, you work secretly with them to do something dishonest.
Complicity is the involvement in or knowledge of a situation that is illegal or bad.
One can also connive at a wrongdoing by others by not taking action against it or not reporting it to authorities.
Covert activities or situations are secret and hidden.
Someone who is disingenuous is not straightforward or is dishonest in what they say or do.
To divulge something is to reveal information that was once private or secret.
When you dupe another person, you trick them into believing something that is not true.
If you accuse someone of duplicity, you think that they are dishonest and are intending to trick you.
A feint is the act of pretending to make a movement in one direction while actually moving in the other, especially to trick an opponent; a feint can also be a deceptive act meant to turn attention away from one’s true purpose.
A gambit is something that you say or do in order to gain an advantage in a given situation or game.
To gerrymander a voting district is to change its physical boundaries in order to include more people who vote in a particular way.
People who are ingenuous are excessively trusting and believe almost everything that people tell them, especially because they have not had much life experience.
Something that is insidious is dangerous because it seems harmless or not important; nevertheless, over time it gradually develops the capacity to cause harm and damage.
Something that is latent, such as an undiscovered talent or undiagnosed disease, exists but is not active or has not developed at the moment—it may develop or become active in the future.
An overt act is not hidden or secret but is done in an open and public way.
A patent situation is one that is wide open and unconcealed; it is both evident and obvious.
Probity is very moral and honest behavior.
Propriety is behaving in a socially acceptable and appropriate way.
A scrupulous person takes great care to do everything in an extremely honest, conscientious, and fair manner.
Scurrilous accusations, stories, or articles contain untrue, unkind, and unfair statements about someone that could spoil that person’s reputation.
Sophistry is the clever use of arguments that seems correct but is in fact unsound and misleading, done with the intent to deceive people.
A stratagem is a clever trick or deception that is used to fool someone.
If you employ subterfuge, you use a secret plan or action to get what you want by outwardly doing one thing that cleverly hides your true intentions.
A surreptitious deed is done secretly to avoid bringing any attention to it.
The veracity of something is its truthfulness.
Wiles are clever tricks or cunning schemes that are used to persuade someone to do what you want.
Maeve sought to control others in her social circle with a clever system of machination that included power plays and other scheming plots. She spread rumors and used machination or dishonest strategic actions to convince people that her invented stories were true. Her cruel machinations or secretive plans were soon exposed when those around her realized painfully that Maeve’s kindness was only a show to trick them all.
Machine Fascination Hackers use clever machinations to control others through hacking into their computer machines; this fascination for machine destruction is a form of machination that makes us all suffer.
The admission by Vitol marked a turning point in a major investigation into wrongdoing by various commodity traders and exposed the inner machinations of an industry long-dogged by allegations of fraud.
While the big data breaches at Target, Neiman Marcus and Michaels have drawn heavy news coverage, the everyday machinations of various specialists in the cyberunderground remain out of sight and out of mind to most people. . . . [C]ybercriminal gangs from Cyprus, UK and India are known for purchasing stolen credit card numbers on the black market, and making fraudulent $9.84 charges.
USA Today
As it turns out, it was likely Wentz’s final performance with the Eagles. Expectations around the league are that Wentz will be traded soon, perhaps this week. . . . For now, as the machinations of a probable trade play out in Philadelphia, much of the league continues to wonder what exactly went haywire for Wentz?
Chicago Tribune
[Fairy godmother] Charity has helped more than a handful of Cindies (Cinderellas) during her time at Jack London High, the most recent being Vindhya Chandramouli, the STEM star who dreamed of becoming homecoming queen. But Charity's machinations have been found out by the overly-observant Noah. . . . See, Noah was an unwitting victim of Charity's help when she tried to make a girl named Holly's dreams come true.