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If you deal with a difficult situation with aplomb, you deal with it in a confident and skillful way.
Bedlam is a situation with a great deal of noise and confusion.
When someone exhibits composure, they remain calm—even in difficult times or conditions.
If something daunts you, it makes you worried about dealing with it because you think it will be very difficult or dangerous.
Someone who is diffident is shy, does not want to draw notice to themselves, and is lacking in self-confidence.
When you are in a state of disarray, you are disorganized, disordered, and in a state of confusion.
If something discomfits you, it makes you feel embarrassed, confused, uncomfortable, or frustrated.
If something disconcerts you, it makes you feel anxious, worried, or confused.
When someone feels disquiet about a situation, they feel very worried or nervous.
If you are distraught about a situation, you are very upset or worried about it.
Entropy is the lack of organization or measure of disorder currently in a system.
When you exasperate another person, you annoy or anger them a great deal because you keep on doing something that is highly irritating.
A harrowing experience is highly distressing, terrifying, or very disturbing.
When there is havoc, there is great disorder, widespread destruction, and much confusion.
If someone is impassive, they are not showing any emotion.
If someone is imperturbable, they are always calm and not easily upset or disturbed by any situation, even dangerous ones.
When you are indignant about something, you are angry or really annoyed about it.
An inflammable substance or person’s temper is easily set on fire.
An insurrection is a rebellion or open uprising against an established form of government.
A maelstrom is either a large whirlpool in the sea or a violent or agitated state of affairs.
When you are acting in a melodramatic way, you are overreacting to something in an overly dramatic and exaggerated way.
A neurotic person is too anxious or worried about events in everyday life.
Someone who is nonchalant is very relaxed and appears not to be worried about anything.
If an object oscillates, it moves repeatedly from one point to another and then back again; if you oscillate between two moods or attitudes, you keep changing from one to the other.
Pandemonium is a very noisy and uncontrolled situation, especially one that is caused by a lot of angry or excited people.
A paroxysm is a sudden uncontrolled expression of emotion or a short attack of pain, coughing, or shaking.
When you are piqued by something, either your curiosity is aroused by it or you feel resentment or anger towards it.
A placid scene or person is calm, quiet, and undisturbed.
If you are sedate, you are calm, unhurried, and unlikely to be disturbed by anything.
Skittish persons or animals are made easily nervous or alarmed; they are likely to change behavior quickly and unpredictably.
If someone is squeamish, they are easily nauseated or shocked by things that are tolerated by most people; they can also be oversensitive.
If you are steadfast, you have a firm belief in your actions or opinions and refuse to give up or change them because you are certain that you are doing the right thing.
A stoic person does not show their emotions and does not complain when bad things happen to them.
If you are temperamental, you tend to become easily upset and experience unpredictable mood swings.
To be timorous is to be fearful.
Someone is tremulous when they are shaking slightly from nervousness or fear; they may also simply be afraid of something.
A tumultuous event or period of time is filled with great excitement, confusion, or violence; a tumultuous reaction to something is likewise very loud and noisy because people are happy and excited.
When you experience turmoil, there is great confusion, disturbance, instability, and disorder in your life.
To be unfazed is to not be affected by something that happens to you, even if it is quite embarrassing or bothersome.
When you are unflappable, you remain calm, cool, and collected in even the most trying of situations.
If something unnerves you, it makes you upset or nervous; it can also make you lose your courage because it frightens you so much.
After the car accident, the police officer behaved with calmness or steady equanimity toward everyone. Despite the small injuries as well as the anger and aggression of those in the accident, the officer answered all questions with equanimity and did not get upset by the situation. Rather than show a display of temper himself in this moment of stress, he handled the entire situation with equanimity and coolness, which helped the victims remain remarkably peaceful themselves.
Quiz:Try again!
What are some benefits to maintaining equanimity?
By eating a balanced diet, you are more likely to stay healthy and live longer.
By listening before forming an opinion, you are more likely to make informed judgments.
By keeping your cool, you are better able to deal constructively with life’s challenges.
EquineImitation Whenever Angus got angry like a bull he would calm himself by imitating a peaceful equine, exhibiting equanimity.
Philosophy teaches us to bear with equanimity the misfortunes of others.
— Oscar Wilde, Irish poet and playwright
Before Tibet erupted, Beijing was doing a comparatively smooth job of handling international criticism. . . . When Steven Spielberg quit as a creative adviser to the Games in February over the Darfur issue, Beijing handled the decision with relative equanimity.
The sun shines on all of these people most of the time and life is pleasant and only an occasional rumor of unrest seeps over the mountains to disturb the equanimity of the residents.
Sports Illustrated
He wasn't the least bit hung up on whether or not he'd received the recognition he deserved, and watched with wry equanimity as successive waves of singer-songwriters benefited from the Americana template he had helped to flesh out. "I want people to like what I do and I want them to show up at gigs, but Nashville's a tough town," he reasoned. "That's all there is to it."