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  • Verb




My friend Evan is a great dancer and really knows how to demonstrate or show his dance moves. Evans a great teacher because when he demonstrates or presents his dance routines for others to learn, he does the steps slowly for each movement. Yesterday I asked him to demonstrate a dance where you spin in a circle on your back. I couldn’t get the move at first, but Evan is also very encouraging—he said it took him a long time to learn, and I should demonstrate or show patience with myself!

Quiz: If you are demonstrating something, what are you doing?

  • You are letting people see how you do it.
  • You are hiding it so as not to let people see it.
  • You are making sure that it is ready to be viewed.

Memory Hook

Monster Demonstration I've decided to demonstrate my monster at the science fair for all to see ... I hope my monster isn't too scared!


  • It’s unfortunate that in our culture, where the accent is so much upon youth, that people of middle age feel awkward and absurd if they demonstrate their love. — Up a Road Slowly
  • Mercy demonstrated on two pieces of thin board to which were fastened strips of leather set with hooked wire teeth. — The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Word Ingredients

de- thoroughly
monstrat showed, pointed out
e used for spelling and pronunciation

When you demonstrate something, you “thoroughly show” it to people.

Word Theater

Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) A demonstration of how the Death Star can destroy an entire planet, in this case Alderaan.

Word Constellation


Word Variants

demonstration n a showing or display of something