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If you abase yourself, people respect you less because you act in a way that is beneath you; due to this behavior, you are lowered or reduced in rank, esteem, or reputation.
When something is aberrant, it is unusual, not socially acceptable, or a departure from the norm.
If you abhor something, you dislike it very much, usually because you think it’s immoral.
The word abject emphasizes a very bad situation or quality, thereby making it even worse.
If you abominate something, you hate it because you think it is extremely wrong and unacceptable.
A situation or condition that is abysmal is extremely bad or of wretched quality.
When you admonish someone, you tell them gently but with seriousness that they have done something wrong; you usually caution and advise them not to do it again.
A benefaction is a charitable contribution of money or assistance that someone gives to a person or organization.
If you describe someone as benign, they are kind, gentle, and harmless.
Bonhomie is a friendly feeling among a group of people.
Censure is written or verbal disapproval and harsh criticism of something that someone has done.
To decry something is to speak against it and find fault with it.
If you denigrate something, you criticize or speak ill of it in a way that shows you think it has little to no value at all.
If you denounce people or actions, you criticize them severely in public because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil.
When someone’s conduct is deplorable, it is shameful, very unacceptable, or really bad.
Depravity is behavior that is immoral, corrupt, or evil.
If you say a person’s actions are despicable, you think they are extremely unpleasant or nasty.
An egregious mistake, failure, or problem is an extremely bad and very noticeable one.
Errant things or people behave in a way that is unacceptable or wrong, such as a missile that travels in the wrong direction or a student who does not follow classroom rules.
A eulogy is a speech or other piece of writing, often part of a funeral, in which someone or something is highly praised.
When you exalt another person, you either praise them highly or promote them to a higher position in an organization.
An exemplary person is one that sets an ideal or praiseworthy example for others to follow.
If you extol something or someone, you praise it or them very enthusiastically.
An action that is flagrant shows that someone does not care if they obviously break the rules or highly offend people.
If you describe something as heinous, you mean that is extremely evil, shocking, and bad.
Ignominy is a dishonorable or shameful situation in which someone feels publicly embarrassed and loses the respect of others.
If you describe someone’s appearance or behavior as impeccable, you mean that it is perfect and therefore impossible to criticize.
If something is infallible, it is never wrong and so is incapable of making mistakes.
An infamous person has a very bad reputation because they have done disgraceful or dishonorable things.
Something innocuous is not likely to offend or harm anyone.
An irreproachable person is very honest and so morally upright that their behavior cannot be criticized.
A laudatory article or speech expresses praise or admiration for someone or something.
When someone is lionized, they are treated as being very important or famous—although they may not deserve to be.
Malfeasance is an unlawful act, especially one committed by a trusted public official.
A nefarious activity is considered evil and highly dishonest.
If something is noisome, it is extremely unpleasant, especially because it is very dirty or has an awful smell.
Something that is noxious is harmful, extremely unpleasant, and often poisonous.
If you describe people or things as odious, you think that they are extremely unpleasant.
A paean is a piece of writing, verbal expression, or song that expresses enthusiastic praise, admiration, or joy.
A panegyric is a speech or article that praises someone or something a lot.
A paragon is an example of a thing or person at its or their very best.
If someone is pilloried, they are publicly criticized or ridiculed by a lot of people, especially in the media.
If you receive a plaudit, you receive admiration, praise, and approval from someone.
Probity is very moral and honest behavior.
Propriety is behaving in a socially acceptable and appropriate way.
If you think a type of behavior or idea is reprehensible, you think that it is very bad, morally wrong, and deserves to be strongly criticized.
A reprobate has a bad character and behaves in an immoral or improper way.
If you repudiate something, you state that you do not accept or agree with it and no longer want to be connected with it in any way.
Repugnance is a strong feeling of dislike for something or someone you find horrible and offensive.
Turpitude is the state of engaging in immoral or evil activities.
To act in an uncouth manner is to be awkward and unmannerly.
If you say someone’s behavior is unseemly, you disapprove of it because it is not in good taste or not suitable for a particular situation.
Something that is unsullied is unstained and clean.
Venerable people command respect because they are old and wise.
Something vile is evil, very unpleasant, horrible, or extremely bad.
If you vilify people, you write or say bad things about them in an attempt to make them unpopular.
A wanton action deliberately harms someone or damages something for no apparent or good reason.
Littering is contemptible or shameful—why anyone would throw his trash into the road is beyond all comprehension. To think the rest of the world is there to pick up your trash is a contemptible or disgraceful way to live. Even more contemptible or distasteful behavior is discarding oil and gasoline on bare ground or dumping it into a body of water, allowing it to contaminate the water supply.
Can'tEmpty That Bleach You can'tempty all that bleach into the ocean--that would be a contemptible act!
The meanest, most contemptible kind of praise is that which first speaks well of a man, and then qualifies it with a "but".
— Henry Ward Beecher, nineteenth century religious leader
Some of the camps were under the command of [General] George S. Patton, a great man on the screen, a contemptible bigot in real life.
The Washington Post
The ad shows not just a disregard for the truth, but a calculated intent to deceive the voters of Maryland; it is contemptible.
The Washington Post
When a person is acting in a contemptible fashion, they are “capable of being thoroughly despised” by others for what they have done.
Word Theater
Contemptible Conduct Former Mayor Kilpatrick is going back to prison for a contemptible misrepresentation of his finances.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!
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Related Words
abase* ·
aberrant ·
abhor ·
abject+ ·
abominate ·
abysmal ·
admonish ·
censure ·
decry ·
denigrate ·
denounce ·
deplorable+ ·
depravity ·
despicable+ ·
egregious ·
errant ·
flagrant ·
heinous ·
ignominy ·
infamous+ ·
malfeasance ·
nefarious ·
noisome ·
noxious ·
odious ·
pillory ·
reprehensible+ ·
reprobate ·
repudiate ·
repugnance ·
turpitude ·
uncouth ·
unseemly ·
vile+ ·
vilify ·
wanton ·
benefaction ·
benign ·
bonhomie* ·
eulogy ·
exalt ·
exemplary+ ·
extol ·
impeccable ·
infallible ·
innocuous ·
irreproachable ·
laudatory ·
lionize ·
paean ·
panegyric ·
paragon ·
plaudit ·
probity ·
propriety ·
unsullied ·
venerable ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
looking down on someone; scorn
exhibiting scorn
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.