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Someone who has an abrasive manner is unkind and rude, wearing away at you in an irritating fashion.
An affable person is pleasant, friendly, and easy to talk to.
The adjective auspicious describes a positive beginning of something, such as a new business, or a certain time that looks to have a good chance of success or prosperity.
If you describe someone as benign, they are kind, gentle, and harmless.
Someone who is cantankerous is bad-tempered and always finds things to complain about.
A choleric person becomes angry very easily.
Someone who is churlish is impolite and unfriendly, especially towards another who has done nothing to deserve ill-treatment.
If someone is complaisant, they are willing to please others and do what they want without complaining.
A congenial person, place, or environment is pleasant, friendly, and enjoyable.
A man who is dapper has a very neat and clean appearance; he is both fashionable and stylish.
A man who is debonair is sophisticated, charming, friendly, and confident.
If you say a person’s actions are despicable, you think they are extremely unpleasant or nasty.
A dulcet sound is soft and pleasant in a gentle way.
When you exasperate another person, you annoy or anger them a great deal because you keep on doing something that is highly irritating.
If someone demonstrates impudence, they behave in a very rude or disrespectful way.
An inflammable substance or person’s temper is easily set on fire.
Something innocuous is not likely to offend or harm anyone.
An irascible person becomes angry very easily.
If someone has a jaundiced view of something, they ignore the good parts and can only see the bad aspects of it.
Someone who is jovial is in a good humor, lighthearted, and jolly.
If you malign someone, you say unpleasant things about them to damage their reputation.
If something is noisome, it is extremely unpleasant, especially because it is very dirty or has an awful smell.
A petulant person behaves in an unreasonable and childish way, especially because they cannot get their own way or what they want.
When you are piqued by something, either your curiosity is aroused by it or you feel resentment or anger towards it.
A placid scene or person is calm, quiet, and undisturbed.
Something that is propitious shows favorable conditions.
Something rancid is way past fresh; in fact, it is decomposing quickly and has a bad taste or smell.
Rancor is a feeling of bitter ill will or intense dislike towards another person.
Repugnance is a strong feeling of dislike for something or someone you find horrible and offensive.
A salubrious place or area is pleasant, clean, healthy, and comfortable to live in.
A salutary experience is beneficial to you since it strengthens you in some way, although it may be unpleasant as you undergo it; this word also refers to promoting good health.
If you are sedate, you are calm, unhurried, and unlikely to be disturbed by anything.
If you are stolid, you have or show little emotion about anything at all.
A troglodyte is reclusive, severely lacking in social skills, and is out of step with current times.
When you take umbrage, you take offense at what another has done.
If a problem or situation is vexing, it puzzles, worries, or annoys someone.
Bilious Billy possessed a rather unpleasant personality, which was made worse by his terribly bad breath and body odor. Many co-workers had attempted to tell Billy politely about this pungent physical problem, but he would not listen since he was so bilious or irritable. As a result of his bilious, disagreeable behavior and unhealthy presence, he soon lost the few friends he did have.
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What could make you bilious?
You bought a good book and just realized that you can start reading it that evening.
You just saw a car in the shape of a large banana drive down your street.
Your back constantly hurts, you can’t sleep, and you’re way behind in your work.
Billy Club! When the bilious policeman took out his billy club, we weren't going to wait around to see his temper really flare into bullying us!
That is why New York hockey so needs a bilious rivalry between the Rangers, who have not won a pro title since 1940, and the Islanders, who are slipping after winning four cups in their first 18 years. Hate sustains interest.
The New York Times
Leave it to the Washington political industry to turn voter alienation into new business. In the current bilious atmosphere, it's no longer enough merely to be a challenger.
Medieval medicine taught that the body possessed four fluids or humors: black bile, yellow bile (choler), blood, and phlegm; the relative concentrations of these four humors, different for each person, determined mood, health, and general disposition. An excess of choler, or “yellow bile,” made one angry or irritable.