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Atrophy is a process by which parts of the body, such as muscles and organs, lessen in size or weaken in strength due to internal nerve damage, poor nutrition, or aging.
A bane is something that causes ruin, misery, or destruction.
If you are beset by something, you are experiencing serious problems or dangers because of it.
Something is a blight if it spoils or damages things severely; blight is often used to describe something that ruins or kills crops.
When you castigate someone, you criticize or punish them severely.
A convalescent person spends time resting to regain health and strength after having a medical problem, such as an illness, injury, or operation.
Debility is a state of being physically or mentally weak, usually due to illness.
When someone feels disquiet about a situation, they feel very worried or nervous.
If something encumbers you, it makes it difficult for you to move freely or do what you want.
If something enervates you, it makes you very tired and weak—almost to the point of collapse.
An injury that is excruciating is extremely painful.
If a wound festers, it becomes infected, making it worse; if a problem or unpleasant feeling festers, it becomes worse because no attention has been paid to it.
If someone is imperturbable, they are always calm and not easily upset or disturbed by any situation, even dangerous ones.
A patient who is plagued by infirmity is weak in body or ill in health.
If you lacerate someone you cause him great distress and emotional hurt via harsh criticism
A malady is a serious illness; it can also be used to refer to serious and widespread problems within a society or an organization.
Malaise is a feeling of discontent, general unease, or even illness in a person or group for which there does not seem to be a quick and easy solution because the cause of it is not clear.
If you are in a plight, you are in trouble of some kind or in a state of unfortunate circumstances.
A salubrious place or area is pleasant, clean, healthy, and comfortable to live in.
A salutary experience is beneficial to you since it strengthens you in some way, although it may be unpleasant as you undergo it; this word also refers to promoting good health.
A scourge was originally a whip used for torture and now refers to something that torments or causes serious trouble or devastation.
To taint is to give an undesirable quality that damages a person’s reputation or otherwise spoils something.
Therapeutic treatment is used to heal or treat patients who have a disease or other physical or emotional issue.
Severe problems, suffering, or difficulties experienced in a particular situation are all examples of tribulations.
To come out of something unscathed is to come out of it uninjured.
If a problem or situation is vexing, it puzzles, worries, or annoys someone.
Vicissitudes can be unexpected or simply normal changes and variations that happen during the course of people’s lives.
The affliction of the soldier’s old wound from the war painfully sharpened on stormy days. Not only did the affliction or physical hurt cause him much pain, but he was also tormented by the memories of personal loss that the ache recalled. Such affliction or distress was best lessened by the presence of his supportive family.
Quiz:Try again!
What is an affliction?
A date of something that is important for you to remember.
A short period when you’re happier than you’ve ever been before.
A physical or mental condition that causes you distress.
Flicked Fly SmashedAflicked fly was afflicted by inconsiderate Ed, who then smashed it.
Man has to suffer. When he has no real afflictions, he invents some.
— José Martí, Cuban poet and essayist
Whereas only perhaps 5 percent of Brits of Anglo origin exhibit symptoms of [lactose] intolerance, that affliction, though hard to measure precisely, affects roughly nine-tenths of the East Asian population.
The Economist
The hours are long, the work exhausting. At least two of them have suffered “the bends,” a painful, disorienting and sometimes lethal affliction that threatens [divers] who stay down too long or surface too quickly.
The Los Angeles Times
If one suffers from an affliction, one is “struck down or struck” by physical or emotional pain.
Word Theater
The Elephant Man His afflictions are observed by a group of astounded doctors.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!
Word Constellation
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Related Words
atrophy ·
bane ·
beset ·
blight ·
castigate ·
debility ·
disquiet ·
encumber ·
enervate ·
excruciating+ ·
fester ·
infirmity+ ·
lacerate ·
malady ·
malaise ·
plight+ ·
scourge+ ·
taint ·
tribulation ·
vexing ·
vicissitude ·
convalescent ·
imperturbable ·
salubrious ·
salutary ·
therapeutic+ ·
unscathed ·
Similar sense
Opposite sense
Word Variants
to agonize or torment
The section lists important variants and alternate definitions of the headword. Knowing variants will often help you both remember and understand the word. Not all variants are listed - only the ones we think that are important for you to know.