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When you abet someone, you urge, encourage, or help them to commit a criminal or illegal act.
When you are in accord with someone, you are in agreement or harmony with them.
If you acquiesce to something, you allow it to happen by doing what someone wants without putting up a struggle or voicing your own concerns.
An affable person is pleasant, friendly, and easy to talk to.
If you have an affiliation with a group or another person, you are officially involved or connected with them.
An amicable person is very friendly and agreeable towards others.
Amity is a peaceful friendship between two parties, particularly between two countries.
If something is anathema to you, such as a cursed object or idea, you very strongly dislike it or even hate it.
When something is ancillary to something else, such as a workbook to a textbook, it supports it but is less important than that which it supports.
If you have animus against someone, you have a strong feeling of dislike or hatred towards them, often without a good reason or based upon your personal prejudices.
Your antagonist is an opponent in a competition or battle.
Antipathy is a strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something.
If you are bellicose, you behave in an aggressive way and are likely to start an argument or fight.
A belligerent person or country is aggressive, very unfriendly, and likely to start a fight.
If you describe someone as benign, they are kind, gentle, and harmless.
Bonhomie is a friendly feeling among a group of people.
A cadre is a group specifically trained to lead, formalize, and accomplish a particular task or to train others as part of a larger organization; it can also be used to describe an elite military force.
A captious person has a fondness for catching others at fault; hence, they are overly critical and raise unwarranted objections too often.
To carp at someone is to complain about them to their face or to nag and criticize them in a whining voice.
To cavil is to make unnecessary complaints about things that are unimportant.
A coalition is a temporary union of different political or social groups that agrees to work together to achieve a shared aim.
If someone is complaisant, they are willing to please others and do what they want without complaining.
A congenial person, place, or environment is pleasant, friendly, and enjoyable.
When someone is contentious, they are argumentative and likely to provoke a fight.
To contravene a law, rule, or agreement is to do something that is not allowed or is forbidden by that law, rule, or agreement.
A situation or thing that is discordant does not fit in with other things; therefore, it is disagreeable, strange, or unpleasant.
Dissension is a disagreement or difference of opinion among a group of people that can cause conflict.
Something that is divisive is likely to cause arguments between people.
Empathy is the ability to understand how people feel because you can imagine what it is to be like them.
If something exacerbates a problem or bad situation, it makes it even worse.
A small group or issue that is factious is controversial and promotes strong disagreement or dissatisfaction within a larger group.
When two people are in a harmonious state, they are in agreement with each other; when a sound is harmonious, it is pleasant or agreeable to the ear.
If two people are incompatible, they do not get along, tend to disagree, and are unable to cooperate with one another.
Something innocuous is not likely to offend or harm anyone.
Malice is a type of hatred that causes a strong desire to harm others both physically and emotionally.
If you have a nemesis, it is an opponent or rival whom you cannot beat or is a source of ruin that causes your downfall.
Something that is propitious shows favorable conditions.
A protagonist is the main character in a play, novel, or real event such as a battle or struggle.
If two people have established a good rapport, their connection is such that they have a good understanding of and can communicate well with one other.
Rapprochement is the development of greater understanding and friendliness between two countries or groups of people after a period of unfriendly relations.
A truculent person is bad-tempered, easily annoyed, and prone to arguing excessively.
All people involved in a unanimous decision agree or are united in their opinion about something.
Doing something in unison is doing it all together at one time.
Vitriolic words are bitter, unkind, and mean-spirited.
Dr. Octopus is probably the greatest adversary or enemy of Peter Parker, known to most as Spiderman. Parker’s adversary or feared opponent always ruins Spiderman’s efforts to do good in New York City. Imagine an adversary or rival able to attack using eight mechanical limbs, and you may come to understand just how powerful Dr. Octopus is.
Quiz:Try again!
How would an adversary act towards you?
Adversary AnniversaryIt's already the anniversary of my best friend and me being adversaries—this has to stop!
Rustaveli’s adversary is intolerance, it is the tendency of man to look at another and see an enemy on account of differences in language, custom and confession, and not to see the same essential man.
Harper's Magazine
He is also never lacking an adversary, some villain standing in the way of progress, holding the game back through lack of imagination.
The New York Times
Electronic espionage is different today than it was in the pre-Internet days of the Cold War. . . . It's more likely to involve actively breaking into an adversary's computer network—be it Chinese, Brazilian, or Belgian—and installing malicious software designed to take over that network.
The Atlantic
An adversary is one who is “turned towards” another in a conflict or contest.
Word Theater
Lois and Clark Superman and Lex Luther are classic comic book adversaries.
The panel shows a small video clip of either the word in actual use or a scene that represents the meaning of a word. This not only breaks up the monotony of studying words but also provides another avenue to strengthen word meaning. Enjoy!